I'm a former Starbucks barista – there is a universal trick we use when customers are rude & I won't say sorry for it https://www.the-sun.com/lifestyle/5131048/former-starbucks-barista-decaf-coffee-customers-rude?utm_source=native_share&utm_medium=sharebar_native&utm_campaign=sharebaramp
I had a shower epiphany today.
We start this off with I started a small business since I'm injured from a workplace accident and now not getting paid because Washington State decided to deny my claim for a traumatic brain injury. The Epiphany that I have had is I've not left the rat race. A human never really leaves the rat race even if they become unemployed or self-employed. You're just running on a different wheel, and I say that as if you're employed with a corporation you and hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of rats are running on the same wheel and that wheel barely benefits you. Yes you get paid whatever wage they decide to trickle down to you but you're running for the good of something else not yourself. If you're unemployed you're on another big wheel with a bunch of other people doing what you can to keep that wheel…
One thing I've realized as I've got older is that basically nothing changes from when you're a kid to when you're an adult. Literally the same inhumane treatment of employees I see in this sub are the same ways I see children treated in school too. Back in elementary school we literally had “Full Attendance Awards”, awards you'd get from never missing a day of school You'd be encouraged to go even if you were sick, it's really no wonder why things like lice or flus would spread around the student body like wildfire. Teachers will even suppress individuality and prevent kids from speaking up- just like how employers treat workers. As a kid I once got punished for speaking up about how the game we were playing in gym class was unfair, and I was forced to sit in a room by myself writing over and over again how…
Honestly, for me, work itself isn't the main issue. I do agree that 45+ hours a week is fucking ridiculous, but if you told me I could just show up, get my work done, and go home, I could do that. That's how my last job was – I worked at a doctor's office and didn't have to fake some sickening personality, I just got to do all the admin work and not pretend to be someone I wasn't. No performance reviews, no dumb projects. However, I couldn't afford to live on the pay from that job, so I took a corporate job 5 months ago. In this role I have to work with a lot more people and help manage different projects. I get two performance reviews a year, and am expected to “take initiative!” and “be proactive!” by coming up with / leading different projects to help improve…
I’m in a professional/technical role and have struggled with my current position (workload, leadership, etc) for the last 2 years. I’ve worked at this company for 15 years +. I’ve spent lots of time talking to my direct leader and all the way up the chain about the issues I see and how I’d go about rectifying them. I was offered an equivalent position and I took it. When I gave my notice my boss said he wasn’t accepting my resignation at the time and that they’d want to speak to me more about it. By the end of the week – after realizing they weren’t going to change my mind – he said he would officially accept my resignation now and would follow up with an email. To which I told him that he could do what he wanted but I didn’t require it. Then the next week he…
Used QuickFix To Land My Job
Thanks to another Redditor who previously posted in here about it, I seen it at just the right time and decided to risk it for my pre-employment. I passed with flying colors and just received my onboarding forms yesterday. Fuck these jobs that think they can just police into our lives and how we use our leisurely time. Quickfix for the win!
Like why the fuck do i have to be your best friend. I just want to do the work get paid and go home