
I don’t want to feel guilty not coming to work because I’m ill.

I just had fever yesterday. Feeling a bit better today but don't want to risk coming into work tomorrow and feeling worse when I finish. I guess I'm just here to get some validation that it's okay to stay at home to rest and recover than forcing yourself to go to work…


Employee walk out at my local gas station.

Stopped by my favorite gas station called RaceTrac, went to go inside and the doors are locked. They usually have a service window they use at late nights, went over to that and looked through window. Not a soul in sight. Everyone outside was freaking out and getting pissed, some lady had a question about a gas pump and went around and asked random people. Told the few people that asked me if anyone was inside “No, they don’t pay enough for people to work here”. Good for those employees!


Why is it impossible as a working class American to find a place to rent? Income based? fees upon fees if your credit is bad? We’re all victims of laissez-faire genocide

That's what this is. I'm probably going to be homeless and die of preventable disease the moment I graduate from college. It's all my fault, not the gangsters and deep state fuckers doing coke binges and shady back door deals. ​ I hope society fails completely and utterly because people deserve the realities THEY CREATED


What do you think Abbie Hoffman would have thought about the current state of things?

It's pretty fucking depressing how no one gives a shit. I mean people say they do but they don't really care. They'll be sipping that coca cola at mcdonalds while complaining about the system.


Boss told me I don’t have insurance anymore

So I got this new job 2 months ago and so far it’s okay, a lot of favoritism from management with certain people ya know. So the insurance they offer is really good. I have 90 days until I get it well today they told me since I didn’t sign up in time I won’t get insurance till next year. But it’s not even my fault the lady didn’t even send me the email containing the paperwork to sign up for insurance yet they said it’s my fault and I forgot to sign up. I hate this shit guys. Jobs suck


It’s almost like people can barely afford to live on their own, let alone build families and have children.


Get yer butt to werk!


You deserve it.


No Boss… lol. One way to describe Algorithim servitude.


Another company’s bullshit practices

One of my coworkers quit the company I work at several months ago. The separation was amicable and he's been back to our job on several occasions to stop by and say hi as he works in the area as well as has kept in touch with many of us outside of work. We have a visitors log that we have him sign. We have no policy about not allowing visitors. Last week, I reached out to him asking to bring me medicine as I had no more breaks and knew he would out of work soon. I work nights so it is a bit later than normal (9pm) but we are open late into the night so we are in our normal operating hours. He asks to come in and say hi to whoever was working. I tell him sure as long as he signs into the visitors log…