Private: dictatorship/oligarchy Public: oligarchy Family-owned: monarchy The only reason we have rights as workers is because the government forces them or because ownership is benevolent. Relying on the benevolence of leaders is inherently anti-democratic. “GOveRnmEnt ShoULd bE rUn LiKE a bUsiNEss”: your authoritarianism is showing. People who think this way think the plebs are to stupid to have their own agency and autonomy. Parentalism is the downfall of democracy. War on drugs is a good example of failed parentalism. I am very pro union, but I have been burned by one before. Leadership chose power over helping workers, long story. Co-ownership and/or profit sharing is a pathway for built in agency within a company. Employees should have more voice and voting rights on major decisions within a company. How many times has a dumb idea from the top hindered your work and cost the company? Unions are the modern peasant…
We, as in humanity, already are producing enough resources to feed, clothe, house and provide convenient life for every single person on the planet. We just collectively, culturally don't want to make it happen because of the ingrained cultural idea that other people's life's are not our personal responsibility. And even tho it makes me sad – we're all part of the problem. Even this sub does nothing in the long run. It's not a movement. It's a rough idea. It's a good start… but we're already past the starting faze. We need to organise, which is different from unionising. (We need to unionise too, but that's beside the point.) We need to meet with each other in real life, talk with actual living people and make interpersonal connections. Nothing “agreed upon on the internet” will ever just work out by itself in reality. No matter how many times we…
Plain and simple, I am tired of how this shitty capitalist culture scrutinizes employees, who are good people who do most (if not all) the work, and generate a majority of the profit. But the asshats who want to go on a power trip and buy golden yachts, get more rights. Fuck that noise. It's a two way street and if they don't want to respect their workers, they can fuck right off 🙂
If I see one more post on my local Facebook group for my hometown where someone is complaining about not being able to find workers or nobody wants to work anymore, I’m going to scream. These people can use Facebook but yet can’t read the room and see that workers, potential and current, aren’t going to roll over and let a boss walk all over them anymore. The most frustrating thing is when you ask, politely, what the wage is that’s being offered for this company and the owner can’t give an answer. Complaining on Facebook publicly is fair game but posting the wage so that potential applicants can see it isn’t? Pathetic. I’m probably going to get banned on this Facebook group because I commented listing all the things businesses who can’t find people are probably doing but it’s worth it if it means more people know and understand…
During the last couple years we have been short staffed and overworked (like everyone else). My employers just kept piling on work as our coworkers quit around us (again like so many others). They put up job ads where they are unnecessarily picky, refuse to post salary and waste time of potential applicants. And let the employees they still have struggle under the weight of the workloads. We’ve frequently heard the BS “No one wants to work anymore!” Yesterday there was a company meeting to discuss strategy to get through tax season (Accounting Firm) with all the same clients and 1/3 of the employees from last year. There are 6 partners in the firm. 4 of them are boomers and refuse to change anything. They insist that people will get desperate and come crawling back to them. They are losing clients at an alarming rate because the current staff can’t…