I have been blowing everyone out of the water at work. My boss threatens not giving me a promotion because they aren't talking about my individual performance. Really, my performance is reflected in my location because I'm running it. We hit high marks across the board, first time ever in the history of this location… Even when my manager was managing this location. The following week, they say I was supposed to be at the next level up since my first day. Like WTF?! So, wait, shouldn't my pay be higher? I want to write an email so there's record, but they are so disorganized and I know they will prefer to have a phone call. This is a total joke… I also don't want to raise any red flags, but I think they need to be held accountable. No changes in my role in the system at work either.…
Do we differentiate employees of property management companies (who do not own property, just a cog in the machine) with landlords who own property and collect rent?
asked to do stretch goal by employer
I personally hate doing this for 2 reason. I am the type of person who gets pissed for not making the goal and 2. its something employer tends to hang over your head.
There was a rebrand at my job and…
Leadership up on 3 mandatory meetings for the entire company of ~150 people to explain the changes. In the last call today, we found out that we would all be required to do a five minute presentation about the new brand guidelines and language to ensure we understand — regardless of what our position is. They sent around a rubric, which includes ways to get “extra credit.” On top of all of this we have to WATCH all of the presentations. Doing the math, that's 12 and a half hours of watching essentially the same presentation over and over. I really thought I was done with this kind of thing after I left school. RIP.
I am a teenager in the UK doing a school project and decided to see what issues have been encountered by you all at work. Please PM me or state in the comment if I can use your comment as supporting evidence for my project.
I have no problem working. I have no problem devoting a small portion of my time to the advancement of something fulfilling. What I do have a problem with is the abhorrent working conditions. The exploitation. The complete lack and disregard for safety, and in some cases, the law. I've got no issue sweating outside performing some sort of labor. Shit, I know it's the most exercise I'll get and I need it. But if you are going to work me to the bone, then give me the means to provide for new bones. I'm sorry, but there isn't any job on the planet that warrants a wage lower than what is considered a living wage in your area, unless you're being paid to sleep. In which case, you might have an okay deal. I think the angry mob mentality often seen in this sub worries a lot…