
“here are 7 guaranteed ways to reduce work anxiety!”


new rule at grocery store I work at


The 20-somethings Scaring Liberal Think Tanks. TLDR: Unions are cropping up among progressive think tanks. You love to see it


Just finished a 70 hour work week… there’s no glory in this


Refused to be a Volunteer

My work has been going around asking everyone to sign up for doing some volunteer work for the community. Now, I don’t mind doing volunteer work for a good cause, especially if it benefits regular folk like me, but when they handed me the sign up sheet, it was plastered with all of the companies that would be volunteering. This really got me to thinking. Why are these companies getting the credit and accolades? I am the one volunteering my time, and worse, the company tries to give me a free t-shirt to wear while doing it. I refused. Everyone, if your company wants you to wear your gear while you volunteer, then ask for pay. I wont be a free billboard for your company and let you get credit for doing the community good. Once again it is the workers who are exploited while the companies take credit and…


we get it

yall hate working


Tribulations in Job Searching

tldr: I've been job-searching behind my boss's back since September, mostly for government jobs, and the most recent interview offer made me understand why some people despise government officials… and I needed to rant about it a bit. ​ This is going to sound stupid, but I was raised to believe in the “dignity of work,” and how it's important to find your “passion” in said work… but then again, my family is mostly comprised of techies, investors, and “independent business owners” (who either inherited said businesses or inter-generational funding to start their own businesses – good for them, I guess). Unlike the rest of my relatives, though, I don't especially consider myself ambitious (at least not career-wise). In every job I've ever had, I've tried to find places where I can stay, with work I can feel competent doing, and with minimal impositions on my free time and energy.…


god damn it not again

I just finished my first week of my new job. It was going well, I didn't mind it, and the pay is more than I've ever made. (Though still not a thriving wage, and trust me, it pisses me off; I thought I'd be making six figures by now but apparently all I'm good for is entry level) Anyway. I had two “Karen” customers back to back. I work in outbound calls so my job is to the contracted drivers, not the customer, but that doesn't mean I enjoy getting yelled at. This woman even said “I want to speak to your supervisor” (I don't really have one) and “you will NOT terminate this call!!” (I timed it perfectly so I did right after she said that). The other customer just threw a fit that I wouldn't give him my personal cell phone number or the driver's personal number. I'm…


Anyone in the Knoxville, TN area applying for the ecomm Product Owner position at Altrd State? Dm me, let’s exchange notes. IT. AINT. GOOD.


Sent this image to my boss when quitting work 20 years ago. It is still my favorite way I ever quit a job. Story in comments.