
The new indeed ads are bullshit

Basically they had a “share your salary or share” with a guy who either had to take cold ice bath or share his salary. No! You as women must bring men into the conversation to fight for higher salaries for women. It’s not men that are the problem here. It’s employers. No one in their right mind who is in the workforce would share their salary. You must fight the men at top. Fuck indeed for trying to make the working class work against each other.


How do I make sure restaurant workers get 100% of their tip?

Most of the time I tip because the alternative is fucking over the people that made and served my food, but sometimes I want specifically the person who made/served my food to get the tip. How do I make sure that the cash gets to them?


Is your job bullshit?

I mean this in the sense of David Graeber's book “Bullshit Jobs.” Does your job consist of pointless meetings, emails, rebuilding programs in software X in software Y? Would the world, and perhaps even the company in some cases, roll happily on without your job? I ask because _my_ job is definitely bullshit, and it really feels like 20+% of jobs in the economy are fake or even actively destructive. But it also sounds like a lot of this sub do practical jobs, preparing food, driving delivery. It seems like the BS jobs could be abolished to raise wages on real jobs…


No Days Off Ltd


Two big Amazon votes this week for unionization.


Minneapolis Teacher Strike Leader Disappointed by District’s Messaging


My manager (38M) made me (23F) very uncomfortable the other day. Is it worth making into an issue?

I recently returned to work at a high volume, locally owned restaurant that I had worked at last year. Since I left, my old GM (who I loved) got hired for something more aligned with his interests and was replaced by this guy who i’ll just call M. M seems to have some kind of social ineptitude that I can’t put my finger on, but it ultimately makes him come across as kind of creepy and he also always seems to be on a bit of a power trip while also being more stressed out than anyone else in the restaurant. He just sucks in general, everyone agrees. Yesterday, though, he crossed a line with me and I can’t get it out of my head. I was kind of bent over by the servers station in a bit of pain because I was on my period. M noticed and just…


Am I doing this company feedback thing right?


Are the fumes that come off rubber at my work safe to breathe?


Can we normalize giving recommendations at an adjacent level as yourself?

The only person who will give an accurate picture of someone’s work ability is a coworker of the same level. Bosses don’t support subordinates because if they do well they are competition. Subordinates will always complain about their boss. The people most likely to give a good recommendation are the people who do the same job and pick up others’ slack when they need to.