
Yes, thank you Elon Musk – free speech for thee but not for me


need to create a meme for this.

Employee: I've finished the labor required to meet the businesses needs. May I have a wage that will allow me to afford to meet my own needs? Employers: Your job requires no skill! Your labor isn't worth a wage that high! Employee: You're literally shoveling what my labor is worth into an envelope labeled New Yacht right now. I'm just asking for enough to not be in poverty while I give you my labor for the majority of my able-bodied life. Employers: How dare you! This is my money! I earned it because I took a risk with money that I also did not labor to earn myself!


No longer at my school


Worker quits and is forced to repay 1 years worth of salary


trying not to cry in the parking lot

My only work friend was fired for attendance and since then it's been so hard to convince myself to go in and work for a place that would can one of the hardest workers just because they don't understand that sometimes life hits all at once and they don't offer enough time off to cover it all… Meanwhile people who show up and do the bar minimum they can get away with and just try to distract everyone else are just fine. Meanwhile I'm too tired and worn out to even look for something else. This is the longest I've stayed at a normal job and I've only been there seven months so I'm not exactly marketable.


Was under the impression that I basically had the job, and then they ghosted me

I recently applied for a job as a kennel attendant, got an interview soon after, and I THOUGHT I was offered the job but then the lady ended up ignoring me for like 5ish days, and then told me they had hired everyone they needed. I had worked at another dog daycare for over a year prior so I know I was very qualified. The interview was kind of weird, the lady didn’t really ask me any questions about my qualifications, she just showed me around the facility and went over what my duties would be, and then asked what my preferred shift would be. I told her I could do any shift I’m needed at. At the end she told me to send her a confirmation text that I did indeed want the job, so I thought I pretty much had this one in the bag. I actually stayed…


When Management Thinks A Pizza Party Is Better Than Bonus.


I think I might just become a thief

I’ve been in the sales world (not happy to even say that anymore) and what once was a pretty lucrative position has slowly become a pay check to paycheck kind of job. I make just enough to pay my 1200 a month rent (low for where I’m at), my water bill, electric bill, internet bill, cell phone, sewage and gas. That brings my total bills just for living to roughly 1450/1500 a month. I needed a car before the pandemic to travel 45 mins each way to work so that’s another 320 plus full coverage insurance which comes to 102$. I also have a 200$ student loan. Thats 1922$. Just to sleep and drive a car. I make 1100 every two weeks right now and commissions (again, sales) have been nearly non existent. I can’t eat lol, I can’t save $, I can’t have fun. I work to sleep and…


This is exactly what it means for working people


I’m considering starting my own company and I want your opinion on what a fair pay structure is, and some other things.

I’m fed up with working for people that don’t value me, and expect me to give everything to make the founders and investors rich. So here I am looking to make my own software development company. I’m still trying to refine and tune this idea into something that would actually work and solve the problems many of us face in this community. Here’s my idea. Equally split profit sharing among all employees (including me) no matter if you’re fresh out of college or working for 25 years. My theory here is that when everyone is paid equally there is equally shared responsibilities over everyone’s success. There is no difference in my opinion from someone being a senior dev designing systems and being a junior dev handling grunt tasks. All work is equally valuable to the success of a product. The work is just different. This would promote a loosely flat…