
There is direct correlation between dollars per hour, and fucks given.


People are so out of touch. 100k by 35? Right…


3% < 7.5%


Seriously, Amazon?


My boss was shocked and horrified that I had no money on me, despite paying me wages below the poverty line.

For context, I make the equivalent of $220 usd per month and spend around $130 of it on rent and bills. That leaves $90 for eating for the month, laundry, home maintenance, etc. My boss saw that my front bicycle brakes were broken and advised me to fix them, and I told her I was saving up and its costs around $12 usd. She seemed really upset about the idea that I don't have the money on me. But like, she pays my wages. She knows that the poverty line is around 300 usd per month. She kept repeating, “But you have to keep a little money around, in case of emergency.” How can someone pay you as little as possible and then be fucking shocked when you have no money?? edit: I'm not in the US, in case that was not clear. Also, I miscalculated my rent and bills,…


Found this on the wall in the shop.


fuck global conflict, fuck the pandemic, fuck politics, fuck the division, fuck the media, fuck everything. i want a living wage and free health care and i want it right fucking now. not 10+ years from now.

fuck this stupid fucking country. i am over this shit.


antiwork is doing some a disservice

From what I've read of r/antiwork, it should be called r/antijerk or r/antiasshole. What I see people legitimately complain about is mostly asshole bosses and/or terrible working conditions. People are impressionable, some more than others, and particularly the young. In short, I worry that young people will come to think work=bad. “Work” is not the problem. We should not be antiwork, IMO. Assholes and poor working conditions are the problem. Some people will associate those problems with work itself. Work is rewarding for many of us, and I don't just mean financially. Work gives (most of) us purpose. Imagine you are 18 and you think work is bad. The vast majority of us will have to work in order to make ends meet for most of our lives. Going into that with the notion that work is bad just sets you up for a life of misery. Helping people is…


Why is most US related?

I barely see European, chinese or even african posts. What’s going on there lol. My american gaming buddies all seem to do just fine?


AITA in this situation

Gonna be vague but hopefully can get some unbiased opinions. Got a full time job cause I finished what I was doing previously and decided to work full time. Have the interview and get the job and then come for my first day… do my first day for like 3 hours cause there wasn’t that much work to do. Oh well I thought, maybe they are just easing me into it. Fast forward two months, and it’s clear that they don’t actually know what the job requires and they just hired a full-time worker for a part time job. Then they start giving me random, as close to pointless tasks as they can find just to give me some work to do. AITA for not wanting to complete these stupid tasks which are uncomfortable to complete say the least. Context: paid very well, very nice manager although not great with…