
For those looking to take a first step into property management… You need at least three years experience…


Manager from hell

Tons of stories about this psychopath. This is one of my favorites. I developed training programs for work. Had recently finished one and was starting new stuff. My manager comes by and says she had a meeting in 45 minutes but couldn't make it due to other work. She asked if I could go in her staid because there may be a question or two about my new program. I say no problem. I ask how many people will be there. She says 12 so without being told I print out 12 packages with a summary. I head up to the meeting a few minutes early. The meeting room is still occupied from the previous booking so people are waiting outside. I see a guy I know from another department and start to chat with him. I ask what this meeting is all about and he looks at me sideways.…


Bothered me as a patient. Seems like a slap in the face to these essential workers.


Microsoft Viva suggesting to check emails after work hours


The tipping point

There's so many people in this sub from other countries who constantly ask us why we haven't rejected the awful system we have in place in the US, and it's so easy to explain how the system is meant to keep us down so we can't fight back…what do you think will be the actual tipping point at which the working class will fight back. Like, people can't get approved to buy homes and are forced to pay ridiculous amounts in rent and work 2 jobs just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, and corporations are out here buying up homes to rent out at above market value while inflation is rising…something has to break and presumably soon…what do you think it'll be?


There would need to be a cap on how much colleges/universities can charge before abolishing student debt.

The cost of public college tuition has increased 2000% in the last 45 years. For private tuition 1600%. Looking from 1978 it’s an increase of 1225% which compared to shelter (despite how expensive it is) has only increased 370% in the same time period. I wonder how much these organisations would raise prices if students would go regardless of whether they would typically be able to afford it, or whether their preferred subject isn’t feasible to study at because that field doesn’t pay well enough to justify it. (Not an argument against doing so, just pointing it out) Aren’t costs already ridiculous enough? If it would cost you $50,000 total imagine if you paid $50/hr for 1-1 tutoring in your desired field… that’s 1000 hrs 1-1. If the average salary of a professor is $101,000. how is it so expensive as a student to sit in a room with so…


Hiring Sucks

Everyone I interview is either underpaid or unemployed. I'd hire them all if I could. But I can't. I get to hire one and feel bad about the ones I couldn't help. Except is it even help? Because this place has issues. Decent pay, but high BS. Particularly with this role. I feel like an asshole.


On Stealing

One topic that comes up on this sub from time to time is stealing. This may make some Folks uncomfortable—after all, r/antiwork about fairness, right? Surely, we shouldn’t become what we hate? However, this misses the point. The point is not that stealing is better than not stealing. The point is that there is stealing that is worth worrying about, and then there is…everything else. Oh, someone was “stealing” money and food from a hospital cafeteria, including by not ringing up food items for patients and their visitors? Well, I can absolutely guarantee that such a person could not in 100 years steal or give away the amount of food that would come close to offsetting the amount that that single hospital steals from its employees in unpaid wages/overtime or overcharges its patients in the last 12 months. Please, take some time to think about this graphic. Really think about…


Yes, I’m sure people choose to live in tents, freeze, and starve because you gave them $2 in change…WTF?



Ideal response to this but not sound like an asshole?