Hey guys, I have seen this a couple of times here and recently there was a post with some warning pup ups about inaction. You don't need special software, USB drives, mouse jiggler or the like. Just do this (when you have a Windows computer): Create a new Text file Paste this code in the file: Echo “Keep-alive with Scroll Lock…” $WShell = New-Object -com “Wscript.Shell” while ($true) { $WShell.sendkeys(“{SCROLLLOCK}”) Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } save the file under some name (e.g. keepAliveScript) with the ending .ps1 execute the script: Browse to the location you stored the ps1-file in File Explorer and choose; File-> Open Windows PowerShell. Type (part of) the name of the script. Press TAB to autocomplete then name. Note: Do this even when you typed the name in full. Press ENTER to execute the script. As long as the PowerShell Windows is up and running, you will…
Some of the same core staff that has been there for years is still around so it was pretty nostalgic
Unionised Workers Just Get Paid More
So I was having a discussion with someone and they were saying that they don’t believe me about union wages. Specifically I’m a union carpenter in NYC and they ‘called bullshit’ on my statements. It got me curious what the internet has to say about my wages that are readily available public knowledge. I’m a cynical dude and I’m aware there is an abundance of really bad information available on the internet but I was a bit surprised at how bad the information was. I found zip recruiter very quickly. They dominated my search results. They also underestimate my earning by at least 50%. Not like they are a little bit off, they are literally claiming a union carpenter earns about half of what we do earn. This is the pay scale for a union carpenter working commercial construction in Manhattan supplied by the contractors that pay these rates… https://www.wcc-ny.com/_files/ugd/056804_a9a6a29f998d471e99ee9c9b3bd1076f.pdf…
I work for a company that has grown rapidly in recent years. They have started to throw annual gatherings to bring all the staff together for networking and a few corporate presentations. We didn't have them in 2020 or 2021 due to covid, even as online events. This year they just HAD to throw a conference now that there are no covid restrictions. Attendance was mandatory and nobody was allowed to book leave that day. All attendees had to travel a minimum of 6hrs on public transport (your own vehicle couldn't be expensed), into a busy city where currently 1 in 18 people have covid and there are no rules on mask wearing. Before the presentations they crammed 500 people into two rooms with two water stations. People had sweat dripping down their foreheads we were that tightly packed and everybody needed water. The presentations were in an auditorium and…
1969 Amsterdam … no words, just imagine
I know this sounds harsh, and the examples I provide are kinda extreme as well, but I think this might help a lot of people. A lot of people complain about rent. A few weeks in the homeless shelter will save you a lot of money, and you only really need housing in winter. It's also not always necessary to buy food yourself. There are many ways to obtain food without buying it, such as trashcans of restaurants. It's also good to note that dog food is often cheaper than normal food and contains at least as much nutrients. I hope this was helpful to some of you, and good luck out there!
What is your dream way to quit your job?
I’ll be putting my notice in shortly to a job that was just a part time gig but I want to add a little bit of spice to it. All ideas welcome