
How to properly address potential candidates


New Rules for the New Age: The Ten Commandments for Workers in the 21st Century

ALWAYS be looking for a new job–don't let getting hired at a place make you stop your job search for something even better. Your company has no loyalty for you, why should you have loyalty for your company? You need to be loyal to yourself and your career goals, not their profit margins! Leave a job on Friday to start a new job on Monday. Tell them when you clock out that you will not be there next week. No two week's notice. If your company is not going to give you two week's notice when they desire to fire you, why do you owe them two week's notice when you leave? Your skills are the coin of the realm. You will be fired the second the company can find someone to do your job for $2 an hour less, why should you stay if you can find a place…


RTO is such a sham it’s hard to believe people accept it.

It amazes me companies will force people back to the office to make another .50 an hour from you (Being generous since real estate savings and increased productivity from wfh is more) and people accept it. This while spending 4 hours unpaid commuting and getting ready with stress they will be late because some jackass was texting. The cherry on top is the added costs of gas, parking, transportation, office attire, and lunch. How people have not completely revolted yet is amazing. I know, because we are family who loves thier coworkers more than the family dog, with a great work culture.


This is the job I worked for $16.50 an hour (~33k per year) for a year and a half. The exact same position. The worst part is I was making more than the previous guy who was there for 5 years.


Small family-owner fines offspring for calling out with notice


Call Center Finds New Ways to Penalize Workers

Was chatting with a friend/former coworker today. Apparently our old company (his current company) is having problems with remote workers having tech issues, or calling out with no back up (the nerve!) This is after the busy holiday season (only slightly busier than every other busy season during the year, but they were slammed with calls, long shifts, and misery for a couple of months straight). He told me their main software had routine down AND slow periods during that time, but of course that was not factored into their metrics whatsoever (despite it not being their fault). The company’s solution? Well, they can’t hire more workers. Clearly they blow through them and burn them out way too quickly, and btw that’s totally the worker’s fault. Every time they claimed to be almost at staff, there would be some new notice that they were getting more floods of trainees. Last…


Social murder – i.e., what the ruling kleptocrat class is and has been doing to the public


Teamsters’ New Boss Has Tough Words for UPS and Sets Sights on Amazon


Nah, No Student Loan Debt Reform Needed. Here are the results of 12 years of on-time income based repayment every month.


I just realized that we’re entering the second Gilded Age

From the Wikipedia on the Gilded Age: The top 10% owned roughly three-quarters (75%) of the nation's wealth. From 1860 to 1900, the wealthiest 2% of American households owned more than a third (33%) of the nation's wealth. The bottom 40% had no wealth at all. Today: In the third quarter of 2021, the share of net wealth held by the top 10 percent is 69.6%. The share of the top one percent net wealth is 32.1%. The bottom 50% in the US hold 2% of the nation's net wealth. And this isn't even including the comparison of monopolies from then to now. This massive inequality precipitated serious societal upheavals in the US in the early 20th century.