I often see a lot of American workers telling everyone to quit and fuck giving notice and I agree with your sentiments, however I want to make sure some of my fellow Canadians understand that legally they can't do this. Every province has their own standards for notice, and some don't require notice but some do, Manitoba being one of those. I've included the provincial standards below. In Canada there is something called “Wrongful Resignation” that you can be sued for if the employer can prove that your resignation caused financial damage, however it is not common practice. B.C. Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario. Quebec N.B. Nova Scotia Newfoundland pg.34 P.E.I. N.W.T. Yukon Nunavut Some of these don't include any requirements from the employee to give notice, some do. Please read your respective provinces Employment Standards before pulling the trigger as you might be liable for damages if you leave without…
One of my first jobs was working at Buger King as the maintance/inventory guy, basically cleaning everything and organizing produce. The manager was a pain, she would walk through the restaurant and inspect every detail, call out small pieces of trash i missed and just nit pick and micro manage. Everyone dreaded the days she would come in, she would go as far as to stand by the door and watch the clock and wait for you to arrive 1 minute late just to have a reason to complain. I eventually got fed up, found a better job and put in my 2 week notice and worked through it completely. The day after my last, I received a frantic call around 4am from the manager asking me why I wasn't at work and that a freight truck full of produce needed to be unloaded and stored in the freezer. She…
Thanks to this sub, I’m going to be taking on a new position for TWICE the money, after only working my current job for a year. I love the people I work with and my boss, but my boss assured me that after a year it would be no problem to get a bump up in pay and a new job title. Well…. as you can guess, that didn’t come to fruition. My current company says that I have to have 7 additional years of experience in order to qualify for the the job I’M ALREADY DOING. I was told, on the sly, that I should get a counter offer and have my current company match it, which is what I attempted. I interviewed for three months and after a three-round interview, and project creation, I got the offer. I was blown away by the salary offer, a full 90%…
I already went through this after the end of the dot com bubble, I was working remotely from 1999-2001. Then I worked remotely again in the Obama years. It seems that whenever the economy is doing good enough in a tech niche that they cant find enough suckers to go into the office, they turn to remote work. But somehow even though we generate record profits the desire to be a controlling psychopath and watch people suffer, triumphs even over greed. So the remote periods are always temporary till the economy takes a shit again and the wagies fight for the right to go to the cagies.