We're working remotely right now and I can tell management is slowly pushing work from office again while our boss and business team are in Florida and California playing golf. My manager was supposed to meet in the office. Everything I can do at home I can do in the office, as I'm a video editor. In fact, it's easier to keep all my files on one computer rather than using an EHD to go back and forth and worry about cache folders etc. Anyways, I told her an hour before hand that I wasn't going to make it in the office because I had a throbbing headache. To be fair it wasn't throbbing but I did have a lot of work on my plate to get done that day and felt like I wouldn't be able to get it done in the office since I had to accommodate still.…
Store owners want to take away card tips
I work at a big coffee shop in a small town. My bosses who are also the store owners have proposed a vote to us employees asking if we'd rather have $2/hour extra in pay, (we make 14.50/hr) and that would mean we get no credit card tips. The other option would be we keep our original salary and keep our card tips. We get to keep cash tips regardless, but they don't hold a finger to how much we make from card tips. Now i've done some math, and it would only benefit us to do this if we make less than $30 in tips a day, which we don't. All my coworkers seem to be for it though, are my bosses trying to f*ck us over??
Why Does Quitting Feel so Empowering?
I want to know if you think quitting feels empowering? Not even just putting in the notice but those last few days. I work in healthcare and I am finally leaving for my own mental and physical health. I am down to the last few days and just had a provider try to disrespect me when I did nothing wrong. It felt so good to completely ignore them like they aren’t there and then make a comment basically saying I could care less. (nothing that would impact a patient by the way) It wasn’t about power, it was about empowerment. Thinking in my head this person truly has nothing on me and can do nothing to me since I am gone in a few days. So once again, has anybody else felt like this when leaving a job? Especially one where you hard work wasn’t appreciated.
And it meant absolutely nothing to me. I think I just realized that I hate my job. I thought I was just stoic and could put up with doing a job that wasn't perfectly fit for me. Now I can see, I actually truly hate my work and need to pursue something that matters to me. I thought I'd share with you all, in case someone out there feels the same way without realizing it.
One of my coworkers is an older lady, probably in her 50's, maybe 60's (I'm terrible at making age estimates, but it doesn't matter). She's also ex-military, so she has a very structured way to her, and not a fan of lazy workers. I think she's great, but her point of view is…well, outdated. (Oh and for the record, she isn't a supervisor or manager or anything. She's just a base worker like everyone else.) She came up to me today at my work assignment, and we got into a conversation about some of our coworkers. Specifically they're not doing their jobs. Now mind you, it annoys me too when I have to pick up their slack, but she wouldn't listen to me as to WHY they aren't doing their jobs. She just kept going on about them not doing their jobs, always on their phones, etc. “They DON'T CARE,”…