Ok so, I work receiving in retail and I am the shift leader. Everyone today was scheduled 11-3 or 11-4. The supervisor was 9-5 as she is full time. I was scheduled 11-3. Once 3 came around there was still a little bit of work to be done but nothing that two people couldn’t handle. My supervisor who is also my friend texted me when I left and was upset with me for leaving. But I left at 3 with the rest of the team. My scheduled time. And we’re over payroll anyway. Her reasoning is that she is my friend and when I was asked yesterday if I wanted to stay until 4:30 I should have said yes because I was asked for a reason. I told her that if it was that big of an issue then I should have been scheduled properly In the first place. And…
For anyone who isn’t knowledgeable on how tattoo artists operate, if you don’t own the studio, you usually have to pay to rent a space in one or pay a percentage to the owner from whatever you earn (duhhh). They can supply disposable items if they want, but they don’t have to. For me personally I’ve worked in 4 studios, and it’s been gruelling. 3/4 of them I have been on a 50/50 split. Imagine tattooing someone the whole work day, 6 hour+ for (let’s say) £300, awesome right? No, you walk away with £150, back pain, mentally drained, and annoyed because the person who didn’t do any of that work just hoovered up half of what you made. Now this is just my experience, and I’m sure a lot of people are happy where they work, but this is how a lot of tattoo studios operate. I know a…
Micro-managed to the MAX.
I worked at a very large mortgage company, it rhymes with Shmishter shmooper. The job I had was literally 3 jobs in 1, it’s how they justify paying the hourly rate they do – and they remind you of it ALL THE TIME. The level of micro management was such that I’d never experienced before. Anyway, my last straw was on a Saturday, when I volunteered to come in an extra day to help out. I was at 16 minutes for a break and my boss called me and asked if I was “ok, because my break is supposed to be 15 minutes and ‘certain people’ are noticing.” I laughed and told him I’d been at my desk the last 5 minutes checking emails but just forgot to go back on “ready”. He said it was unacceptable and I needed to watch my time. I put in my notice the…
It will let everyone know where to apply It will reinforce that specific corporation/business to keep up their good behaviour and practices Other companies that are creeping this sub could learn from it I need to know that there is still good in this world.
Basically said it was a childish act. Opinions on this?
“You’re not pleased? Neither am I.”
This took place a few years ago, but I think y'all might enjoy it. I used to ref for an adult co-ed recreational league that had a variety of sports. I reffed almost every sport they offered during a particular season. I'll be honest and say I had a bit of a short temper, especially when it came to players arguing the rules with me, so a few times I'd get in yelling matches with them before ejecting them. That said, on this particular night in volleyball, everything was going fine. Then came the last game of the night. There was a particular volley where someone borderline-carried on a set, but I let it go on. Shortly after, I'm getting yelled at by the other team saying I'm playing favorites. My defense of “I'm just here to call the game and collect a paycheck” didn't defuse the situation. The next…
Planning a grand exit
I’ve been with the company I work for for 16 years. It’s a dog daycare and kennel. I started at the bottom and I worked my way all the way up to operations manager. For a long time there were 3 operations managers total, including me. January 1st, one resigned leaving just me and one other manager (who happens to be married to the owner of the company). I did not get a raise when the manager resigned, but I did get a lot of extra responsibility. So typically me and the other manager alternate days, who is the primary manager of the day, who the staff contacts if they need anything. This was so one persons phone was not being bombarded more than the other, I am the more approachable manager. I am also 20 weeks pregnant, I may have some complications going on that I will have a…