Title of the documentary is “South Korea's Untouchable Families” The documentary is a half-an-hour long, but it should remind us all that this is why you never give yourself to these big corporations because they don't care about you. You are nothing but a number to them, an inconvenient expense on their balance sheet for the sake of “doing business”. Even though this is about businesses in South Korea, there are a lot of similarities to other companies around the world.
Beyond ridiculous.
For the past three and a half years since graduating from college I was a news producer. It was stressful for a multitude of reasons, (some political) but that comes with the territory of working in live news. During my first year at the company our team went through major changes that caused me a lot of anxiety. I had also begun seeing a colleague of mine (used to work at my network but moved on to another place) who turned out to be majorly abusive and openly cheated on me in front of my other former colleagues (who said nothing). So I have a lot of personal trauma tied to the network, even though it's not the company's fault. By the end of 2019, we were in and out of a toxic relationship and I finally kicked him out. My substance use decreased for a while and I felt…
love me some remote on-site work
I hate job searching
I went to 3 job interviews this week, and 2 of them didn’t even know what the position would pay. Why the fuck am I interviewing for a job and I don’t know the most important stipulation? Why is the pay not listed? Why do you have to ask me all my personal information but you can’t give me a simple wage offer?
Let’s Boycott High Gas Prices
We all know fuel companies are artificially price gouging and blaming recent world events. What if we all stopped driving or drive as little as possible until they come back down? We should be thinking about alternatives for the future anyway. I know most people would say bUt WhAt AbOuT tHeIr JoBs. But seriously they under pay us already, now they except us to buy $5 gas to to it?! Enough is enough. May day is coming up too!
Insulting email from ADP today.
Not a whole lot that I can see being done about it now but my previous employer told a company that I already had a job offer from, that I'm unreliable and that I call out regularly which ended up losing me the new job. I'm moving cities and because of this I'm now scrambling to find a job that pays enough to support my family. I'm having to move in with my parents and have my family (2 adults, 2 kids and a baby) sleep in their living room. I've already talked to an attorney and they basically told me I can't do anything about it. This all from a job that I worked 60 hours a week at, was lied to about my pay structure when I was hired, the owner talked down to me and acted like I was stupid even though his revenue doubled with me…