


RIP LUX – Masquerade (anti-capitalist rap)


Super old clip, but seeing it again got me wondering: would people who are anti-work be more likely to do this for a stranger given our ridiculous job application experiences?

From Hamish and Andy's radio show, the two call up some bloke and pretend to have put a random number down on their résumé as a reference and ask him to go along with if he gets called up by the potential employer. They then pretend to be the employer and ask about the candidate, whom he has actually never met. It's an interesting situation and I'm not even sure what I would say. I guess one thing that might impact my view would be what the actual job is. How do you think you would react and has anyone actually ever put a random number down, or even listed someone you may not even talk to anymore?


Aren’t you dying to apply?


Union proposal…

Hey I'm 24/m and I'm working at a factory in Ohio and our union negotiations are coming up and I want to propose something to help everyone here at my job our old agreements gave us a 15.5% raise over. 6 years in that 6 years inflation has increased 25% is it wrong to ask for the 9.5 percent raise across the board and change our raises to match yearly inflation? Also any other ideas for proposals that are common or acceptable? Our contract covers alot of areas and currently very lacking in work life, for example cannot use any vacation or take any days off without being pointed until we have been here a full year. During 2019 and 2020 our company was battered by the pandemic, but the company invested alot into upgrades during this time but last year the company performance was up almost 300% on profits…


I need help sticking it to my company

Helooooo r/antiwork! I work for a company where I am the only person with credentials to certain things. They've fired my boss twice in the last two years and then when I'm left to pick up the pieces and keep everything going, they wont compensate me properly, no matter what kind of leverage I have on the situation. If I quit on the spot and they contact me afterwards asking for these credentials: Am I obligated to give those to them? Can I 'remember' what they are for a cost? Would this option fall under any kind of legal issue (at all) if they were to call it my 'severance'? p.s – they would have no way to access these sites unless I specifically give them the credentials. Not even the CEO would be able to call them with the company card on file to regain access. The issue with…


Has anyone had any experience with a school refusing to pay prorated summer pay if you quit or are fired before they end of the academic year? (Independent school/at will contract)


US corporations are on pace for the highest stock buy back authorizations on record.


HELP! The CEOs and higher-ups are trying to make us go back to the office starting next month

Pretty much like the title says.. today they announced, that, while it's not full-time (for now), the current “plan” is 1-2x per month (but, I'm not stupid and I feel as though you give them an inch and suddenly it increases to 1x a week, then a 2/3 hybrid split…). I absolutely LOVE my WFH set-up. It was a huge incentive in me taking this job to begin with. It's given me so much more of my life back, and quite frankly, I have no desire to shake things up. My commute would be an hour each way, causing me to not only tack on 2 hours more of my day dedicated to work, but also put unnecessary wear and tear on my car, oh, and not to mention the soaring gas prices! My commute also involves one of the deadliest highways in the country that boasts multiple car accidents…


final write up after disclosing medical emergency

I found out that I have a brain tumor a few days ago and today I tried to explain my medical situation to my job and was handed a final write up for missing shifts when I had to have my partner call in for me at 4am while I was simultaneously vomiting and having a nosebleed. I can't do this anymore. What the fuck. How does one human hear another human say 'I have a brain tumor' and respond with a WRITE UP for missing work due to aforementioned medical emergency