
No candidates for $19 an hour so we got a temp for $36

My company has had a job open for a year in a department I work closely with for $19. It should be a $23-27 hr position but management is stupidly cheap. So after a year of getting next to no candidates and ghosted from interviews and the work piling up they have decided to hire a temp through an agency at $36/hr. These are the types of people running most companies. We need to change this.


I posted this over in r/lostgeneration and figured it would fit here too. Source is in the comments if the original post


I uh…resigned by agreeing with the boss

Whenever I’ve had an abusive boss I’ve resigned by agreeing with them. My resignation letter contained every abusive thing they ever said to me. “Thank you for the opportunity to work with you. I am resigning, effective immediately, as it has been brought to my attention that I am not the right person for the job. I have been made aware that I have created problems at work by taking my scheduled breaks, talking during my shift, not being fast enough at the job on my first day, and because I’d be a much prettier girl if I smiled more. I’m very sorry that I wasn’t able to have sex with the boss, but I felt prostitution should pay more than minimum wage and 80% health coverage. It seems that the business would be better able to move forward if I were no longer working there. …etc. I can’t be…


Help a lady co-worker out


The biggest teacher’s strike in the nation just started today – the Minneapolis Teacher’s strike, with 3500 teachers and education support professionals marching, and 30,000 students out of class until they start paying their support staff a living wage!


it’s like… I was made for this…


Biden telling people to stop WFH while fuel prices are at an all time high shows how out of touch he really is.

I’ve heard this sentiment in various iterations over the past week and to be fair he did make this statement before prices tilted past all time highs. I love looking at numbers though and would like to make some assumptions to see how this impacts the average American, using 2019 data to avoid the pandemic outliers. The average American commutes 16 miles in 27.6 minutes to work, one way. The average fuel economy (excluding commercial) is 24.9 mpg. Assuming a 5 day work week, the average American will drive 160 miles a week, or 8,320 a year just getting to and from their job. This also means that the average American will burn 6.4 gallons of gas a week, or 334.1 gallons a year on their commute. At todays US average price of 4.17 a gallon that means that the average American would pay $26.69 a week, or $1393.20 a…


Some people think this is the same as living check to check apparently


Please everyone one of you who wants a real future have a read, respect finance


Imagine being forced to defend your country against your will when this is what your country offered to you for years.