I work for a global bio tech equipment and chemical supplier and the covid pandemic meant that business has been booming for us. 2021 was our most profitable year ever, as it was for many companies. I work in the North America Life Sciences group and our 2021 yearly financial statements just came out: https://www.emdgroup.com/en/investors/reports-and-financials/financials.html I know a little bit about money, but not enough to actually understand accounting reporting. I'm looking for some help in finding some key figures that I can share with the rest of the team so that we are more informed about our company's financial well being from of all the excess profits they earned off our labor. Can someone give some info on basic simple things to look for? Is there a single number I can point to and say “Here's what we did for you company, please compensate us appropriately.” The things I…
making the company server more secure
So our new director, the 4th in 4 years, thought it was a great idea the people cant get on “every” map on our server. Of course i'm ok that i cant go into the HR map (which i couldnt anyway) but i cant get into directories like transport and service. Folders i ocationally need as an engineer that needs to transport stuff and needs to send people on a service job. But after a big discussion i'm ok with it, i'm just not gonna do that. Just gonna stick my head in the sand and say: sorry mate, cant do that because i'm not allowed to give you a simple transport document. The people that can get into anything are the “managers”. So my manager and the workshop manager that was once my intern. Now our workshop manager has a burnout and works 2 day and 3 days a…
Hey all – appeal to any field workers out there. My unit “strongly discourages” taking extensive vacations from May-October because that's when most of our work is done (pesticide application and trapping). I was pretty burnt out last year, so in September, I booked a cruise in May expecting to quit by now… But I can't. Because I'm broke and I don't have a new job. (Very hard to apply when you're already burnt). So after a couple awkward conversations, I got my time verbally approved… With the expectation that I have to explain to other staff why I'll be off lol. Others took vacations during September last year, and I know will again this year, and one of my coworkers wants to take a vacation in July. I really don't see an issue with it – management doesn't schedule work, we do. The folks who want to take time…
Good Economy
I dnt like desk job need to move coubtries and change life im 20s and i hv no commitments
” Some might remember that Eastern bloc women enjoyed many rights and privileges unknown in liberal democracies at the time, including major state investments in their education and training, their full incorporation into the labor force, generous maternity leave allowances and guaranteed free child care. ” Particularly the last part there, just a reminder that in 2022 in the 'richest country on earth' those things are STILL not provided to the population; by the way, when it says state investment in education, they mean free college tuition. That doesn't excuse the most egregious atrocities of the soviet government, but it certainly serves to remind that it isn't black and white. Edit: In case anyone is wondering it's from an opinion peice in the NYT, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/12/opinion/why-women-had-better-sex-under-socialism.html
Companies think if they pay you anything over minimum wage it gives them the right to work you into the ground. No real vacation time off, barely sustainable pay, and expect you to work like you make 1.1M a year. It's pathetic…
Mandatory Monthly Pot Luck Lunch
My company, which has a wide range of earners, forces each member of the office bring in something for a monthly pot luck lunch. I don’t have time to cook or bake anything since I work two jobs, and if you bring in any store bought food you are generally shamed for not taking the whole process seriously. Any suggestions on how I can go about asking my employer to call these events off? The job itself is pretty good with room for growth so I don’t want to quit but I’m worried I’ll get left behind not being able to keep up with this archaic requirement.