When I was a youngster about to enter the workforce, I had hard work and no instant gratification drilled into my head. The older I get and the more experience I get in the working world, the more I realize that all that instant gratification talk was bull. I don't want to be mega rich and I'm never going to be mega rich. I'm not some entitled person wanting to make 6 digits with ease. All I want is a full-time job that actually pays me enough where I don't feel I have to scramble in panic for next months rent. I shouldn't have to get a master's degree to get money so I can have enough to have food and replace worn out shoes. I shouldn't have to have 50 million qualifications and 15 years experience just so that I can pay my utilities every month. I shouldn't need…
Today was my last day at my job. This has a happy ending. My coworker is an idiot. Typical sales guy that’s all about “getting the deal”. I sold more than him because he can’t see that traditional sales tactics don’t work anymore and haven’t for like 20 years. I also ran operations and account management. Basically the GM without the pay or title. Small business – you “wear a lot of hats” Anyways – about three weeks ago he demands a 20k raise and to be made my boss otherwise he’ll leave. he’s unhappy with my work and thinks he can manage me better. I don’t know the justification for this. I was doing my job and more just fine. For reasons I cannot explain the owner agreed. I work in the IT industry. Theres no shortage of open jobs. I make a few calls go through the interview…