State of Wisconsin. I informally wrote a letter to the State department concerning wrongful payment of my accrued PTO. (Can provide more details if needed). The State department sent a letter to the company, which in turn asked to be sent to mediation. What should I expect at the mediation or go prepared with? I am hoping to NOT hire an attorney for the mediation. It appears I may need to have an offer? or counter offer ready?
Anyone wanna riff or point towards similar/same ideas, this is you time. Get that money. Money is distribution of speach, print, radio, etc, as well as physical stability of images such as the burger joint billboard sign that I don't get to erase from my field of vision.
Annual raises share time
So… got denied an annual 5% raise because they hired me from a contractor too late by under a week. IT Analyst – Help Desk 34k a year Raise range supposed to be 5-10%
I understand not all are but seems likes most have superiority complexes and treat people under them like shit for some sick enjoyment or simply because they can.
Can I quit a part time job?
So for context I am getting a job at a national park. They offer housing for pretty cheap and I really wanted to see what the national park had to offer. Long story short is they want it to go through till the end of October, but I have to move to Spain for my study abroad campaign. I feel as if They won’t hire me if I tell them this, but if I do leave early, will they have some way to punish me or keep forcing me to pay rent or anything? Or am I free to quit whenever I choose?
The world is such a mess.
Everything is so fucked up. The world is full of greed. Unnecessary wars, billionaires, the working class unable to put food on the table. When will it end? What is the solution? Are we just destined to continue like this? We need drastic changes. Working 5/6 days a week to barely afford rent and heating is no life!
I just need to vent….
I live in a “luxury” apartment. When I first moved in 2 years ago I paid $1750/month plus misc items and utilities. It usually came out to $1832. They raised my rent last year to $1899/month plus I got a storage unit so I was paying around $2132. I just got my renewal lease letter and they are going to raise my rent to $2291/month plus other charges. I'm looking at paying $2500/month after all is said and done. How is this legal? How is anyone ok with this? Fuck this system.