
All the risk none of the reward


Former coworker sent me this, his school desperately needs help. That’s a no from me


The federal contractor minimum wage was increased to $15, three states are suing to stop it Biden signed an executive order in November raising the federal minimum wage to $15, Texas Mississippi, and Louisiana are suing to stop it with Ken Paxton leading


Relevant lyrics from the 1947 Broadway musical “Finian’s Rainbow,” written by socialist lyricist Yip Harburg


Now hiring… (c/p from


Side hustle and ‘polywork’ culture is really just a desperate reflection of a low-paying job market


Dutch locals vow to pummel Bezos’ yacht with eggs if famed bridge is dismantled


As a 20yo I can’t understand how the world got to this point…


No more pay equals no more work

Hi, this is my first time posting, so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. I work as a security specialist for a maternity hospital in a lower income area. I've always taken great pride in my work by taking additional duties on that are not traditional for a worker of my caliber to do. This includes fixing high angle cameras and running cable for the hospital. Doing this for them, I have saved them “”Quite Literally”” hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have worked for the same hospital for 12 years, and in that time I have also personally performed over 280 arrests on trespassers, with around 60 of them later being convicted in court for provable malicious intent. In addition to making my security system a well oiled machine, I was also attentive to running it as such. I watched the security feeds myself. I didn't take…


Please help me understand the intent of “Abolish Work” and how it could be done.

I’ve seen various folks use this statement throughout this sub and I have a hard time understanding it. As I understand, the notion is: Working shouldn’t be required to provide your basic needs of living. From my perspective, you need to use your time to provide yourself value. The most valuable things we have is food and shelter so at a minimum you are providing a service, to make money, which is exchanged for food and shelter. So how do we abolish this? In theory, you could try to survive without any job at all working as a subsistence farmer My great grandparents immigrated from Scandinavia in 1900’s to the US. They bought cheap land, built a home from the timber on the property and farmed for their food. In this day in age they would be consider highly impoverished but, they were not employed by a business. I would…