
I want to organize a walk out at my work

As the title says, I want to organize a walk out at my work. The conditions that we are treated are absolute shit, and the owner does not care about any of us. We get a pizza party once a year because ‘this business is a family!’, with no raises and no added bonuses or anything. What are my rights as a full time employee working in a grocery store in Ontario, Canada? How do I inform other employees about my plan? Should I inform them? If anyone had any advice or knows how to do this sort of thing, please help me!


Young president

Does anyone else think the biggest reason we don't have a millennial president is because the boomers and silent generation can't handle having a president the same age ase their kids or grandkids?


My boyfriend works at our local mall. They’re on lockdown and have been for over an hour because the Burlington got shot up. But that won’t stop his boss from bulling him into finishing his shift.


I stole this on my last day.

I absolutely gave more than I took while there, sign included. So, last day I knew I wanted this. It was on the wall of the EDC. I just walked in and took it like someone had asked me to do it. Who moves things without direction in a large hotel? If you want to get all mushy about it, I spent that season talking to my now wife next to this sign on our lunch breaks. I would have her soda fountain Fanta ready for her.


People keep getting fired

The company I work for hires primarily thru a temp agency and there’s a high turnover. We are in a state where marijuana is legal but this company manufactures something that is FDA REGULATED … so originally you were tested by the temp agency including for THC then when you became a permanent employee by the main company for the same… Well the temp agency stopped testing and denying jobs for THC use. Fast forward a few months and a lot of people are going thru the process to become permanent employees… Only they were never told that the company was testing and would fire them for THC in their drug test. So people who’ve worked for months who’ve proven themselves to be reliable good employees are getting fired sometimes mid shift. One person got locked out at lunch and found a message from the temp agency saying they’d been…


What is your job, and how old are you?

From the posts we get in here, it seems like the vast majority are very young and working some of their first jobs. I was just wondering if that is indeed the case. Edit: I'm saying that because many of the posts are literally like “I'm 19 and I work in a restaurant.”


“You’re in the big leagues; this is a privilege. Act like it.”


I had a promising interview scheduled today with the HR Director of an AmLaw top 100 law firm. They canceled it without warning 20 mins before it was going to start and this was the non-explanation that my recruiter and I received 90 mins later.


Letter from an English Department on the Brink. At the English department I chair, our major has grown by more than 40 percent in the last two years. We are being driven to the edge of extinction anyway.


Just give Elon a slap on the wrist why don’t you?

The only “penalties” he faced was to delete a 5 year old tweet and rehire the person he fired!