
I don’t live the life I want to and have know idea how it can change…

All my life I have been slotted into a world of servitude and I never see it changing. It doesn’t matter how much I make, I’m stuck living the life of a peasant. To clarify I’m not jealous of those that have more. I just want to be able to live my own life. I don’t care about your spreadsheet or payroll or project or how you need to build whatever. But I’m forced to take your order, know your name or give you a quote. I don’t live the life I want to and have know idea how it can change…


Recently interviewed for a new job, and had to do a personality test. Here were some of the highlights…


Threaten to rescind my raise? I quit then.

To preface, I’m a college student with three (now two) part time jobs to make a living. This job is pretty much me as a tech support contractor to people’s homes. Basically I had an appointment where I trained a new guy, who gave me a ride because my car is at a shop due to an accident, and it ended up being longer than expected but it also ended up the customer writing a check for a couple grand. Usually when paid in check I hang onto it until the I have a few of them before going to my boss’s bank to deposit them. This is something he has also told me to just do with checks. As I didn’t have a car the guy I trained just took me home without much thought. I had my other job the next day and had my friend take me…


It’s really starting to feel like the only solution to working in America is to find a way to move to another country. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I plan on completing a Cybersecurity course at my university and then searching for IT jobs in Europe that will sponsor a work visa. Hope all goes well


We’ve talked about Office Space, but I think you should also check out Joe Versus The Volcano


It makes me laugh when you miss the point so hard. Like, “let’s keep it non political and make it about labour, not politics”. Yeah, guess what… they are the same thing.


Boss Offered 15/HR to Come Back

Liquor store, worst place to work in town. I was 2nd most senior after 6 months. It had snowed 6 inches and no one was coming in. She got the bright idea to offer me 15 dollars an hour to come back. 15 an hour for that day. This was more than a month after id left. I did not go back.


The inflation

I’ve read so many posts here stating that they have experienced a sudden raise in pay. Their employers told them that they did this great job and this is their reward . Fast forward to 2022, cost of living in any state has gone up . The employees felt that it wasn’t really a raise. It was just to put them at “market price”. I have gone through the same thing. Only that I was just put at market price . Nothing more . Nothing less . I told my employers that I need a raise. This was on top of the raise I got last year. Of course, I told them that I know it was just to put me at market price . They didn’t expect for me to ask all of a sudden. It took them awhile to give me the raise but it happened . I…


Hired and fired – relocated to Houston

My brother uprooted from Austin to Houston 3 weeks ago for an accounting position. $26 an hour with the opportunity to double that in a year or two. Moved cities, found an apartment. In 3 weeks he caught all their books up from being 100s of payments delinquent. They fired him today with no notice and said they will hire two temps at $15 an hour for 30 hrs per week in his place. This is what is wrong with the business world. Anyone who may know of a job in Houston and want to give a guy a shot… My brother has his doctorate. He also graduated college with a double major, business and finance. 4.0 gpa at st Edward’s university in Austin. He made a few mistakes jn his life but he’s been on the straight and narrow for over 10 years now. Someone will get incredible value…


Cosplaying sure is fun! But WORK is hard.