
Premium rate

My boss claims he pays his managers a premium rate. 30$ hr. Its a good rate but no benifits no retirement, theres nothing premium about it. I feel the need to correct him. Kitchen manager, Wisconsin. What do you think?


PTO not considered wages anymore



Sometimes laughter is the best medicine


Vibe check – anyone else not feel guilty about milking it on the clock?

Decent paying job. Reasonable amount of responsibility and job duties to perform, but I could easily justify getting my work done in less than half the time I’m paid for. Hourly position, and I feel absolutely zero guilt for the 4-6 hrs a day I get paid to do less than nothing related to actual work. Part of it due to being efficient at my work and making shortcuts and systems that I use to my advantage. I do work hard when needed, but that is rarely the case. And I just feel no real incentive to make myself available for “extra” work just knowing that wouldn’t be adequately compensated for it. Worked many jobs over the years, especially in the service industry, where it was imperative to stay busy or fall behind. There just seems little to no incentive for me to actually work harder, especially with little to…


Quit my toxic workplace for my dream job.

Hi all. I've seen a couple vent in this sub and wanted to post my own and tell you about possibly the worst work experience I could ever go through. This one's gonna be long, though (sorry if it's like, *too* long.) I was in uni back when I was freshly 18 but while I had a scholarship and some help from my father, things were getting hard money-wise. So I started looking for a job. I'm currently 19, soon 20, from France, and I have 3 diplomas in IT and 5 certifications from other well-known companies in IT. I came from a vocational school and had a bit of experience as I had to do internships, but companies kept telling me that I didn't have enough experience. So I started looking elsewhere. A company people didn't recommend me to work for called me for a job as a customer…


Macron raises retirement age without vote

Damn. I'm sorry France. That is cruel.


Saga SVB and rich be Venture Capitalists


This tracks


AHLA doesn’t want to protect hospitality employees?

Well, here's something that made me cry out in frustration this morning. (Unless I'm entirely misinterpreting this – highly possible.) I worked in hospitality for a good portion of my career during and then out of college. I was laid off during the pandemic as was over half of my company, but I still stuck with the industry until recently. When I was laid off, I was still pre-antiwork mindset and was hustling to stay knowledgeable and “in the know”. Doing everything I could to be prepared to jump back in the workforce. One of those things was joining the AHLA email list. I've mostly ignored them until recently (and actually thought I unsubscribed from all mailing lists), but this morning, I get this cute little piece of propaganda asking AHLA constituents to speak out against this “radical bill” being re-introduced to Congress once more. This “radical bill”? Sure does…


How I do deal with the guy who trained me hounding me over nothing?

I got a new job 5 weeks ago for the county I live in for animal services. He’s not my boss and has no authority over me, just the guy who trained me, but when ill be foaming out the kennels he’ll tell me I need to foam the kennels or when im switching laundry, he’ll walk past and tell me don’t forget to switch the laundry. He just tells me to don’t forgot what im doing and he isn’t joking. I’ve laughed it off and he told me it’s not a joke, it needs to be done. I want to go to my boss but they’ve known each other for 20 plus years and are super close friends. I’m trying to let it go, but it’s 2-4 things a day everyday. I’m getting fed up. He does it to others that have been here for years to.