[rant] I’m sick of not being appreciated
This is nothing compared to you all, but I’m so sick of being taken for granted and treated like dirt. I work my ass off only to receive negative feedback while my so called boss logs off by 1 or 2 every day. The pay is decent and the coworkers are great but I just want to be acknowledged once for the effort I put in without having more piled on. The worst part is my coworkers and I are all drowning but instead of support we just keep getting more and more work. Idk what to do at this point
Job has a really good union but for some reason the company is allowed to take a day of vacation and a day of sick time from us if we call in sick under the New York paid sick Leave act. Which is how we are supposed to call in sick unless we want to take a point. Lots of others in other workplaces have been saying that this is illegal but our union has been trying to fight it for over a year now with no progress. Union says due to the New York State sick leave act they can legally do it and I do think it is in our contract this way as well but not 100% sure as I don't have an updated contract on me
Worst Interview I Ever Had
In the 00s, I was in my 20s & had applied for a cashier job at a truck stop (say what you will, but I grew up near a truck stop & was very used to the CB lingo & salty language from truckers. Caused a few problems with my mom). I came in early on the day the guy told me to. I show up & I’m out there, waiting for about 15 mins (this was about 20 years ago, details are hazy). After a time, the employee sticks his head in the back & notifies the manager I’m here for the interview. I clearly heard, “Oh, for f***s sake, was there one today?” …yeah, this is off to a good start… The manager proceeds to berate & dress me down for the next 10 minutes IN FRONT OF THEIR CUSTOMERS, going on about all the reason he wouldn’t…
The BS just never stops
Got fired today :/
TW: mental health I missed two shifts two months ago because I was in the hospital after attempting to take my own life and a third shift last week for the same reason. I got written up for each instance and then today I was fired after I asked to go on break early because I was having a panic attack. They didn’t tell me what I did wrong, just told me to leave and never come back. They’re so short staffed I hope this fucks up their schedule. I was the only full time/full availability supervisor and the only one willing to work back to back opens and closes. Now they have to struggle to find someone to cover my whole schedule for the month, despite having lost two supers this month already (now down to 5)
Will it get better?
Will the economy improve and we ever have a chance at home ownership, job security, pensions, paid lunch break, etc? I know that once everything in prices rises they never come back down. But how does inflation affect everything but wages? I envy the past where no matter what profession you were in, you could always live and retire comfortably and go on vacation. How did this nation go backward and when will things get better? Holding out hope.