
This is our bleak reality after the oligarchs took over.


I am really sick and have missed 4 days of work and I don’t have access to a doctors appointment for a note

I am already being told that I will be facing heavy disciplinary action if I do not produce a doctors note. The closest doctor appointment through my insurance is on March 12th… Which is way too late. I’m not sure what to do at all


Ohio law enforcement links Erin Brockovich to potential for ‘special interest terrorism’ threat in East Palestine


Someone gets it!! But you can clearly see whose a boomer based off the comments though…smh


self employed, “sacked” and withhold last wage? UK based

So I'm a self enployer dancer innthe UK and have just been sacked from my club for “keeping tips” – which would be legally mine anyway – and for which they also never showed proof and when I asked they refused to do so, and on top they refused to pay me my last wage – surely that can't be legal, what can I do? I'm in Scotland. Appreciate any advice


art at workplace (i get paid $13/hr)


Am I wrong for not wanting to work?

I (m33) live with severe bipolar disorder with psychotic episodes. I have tried many times throughout my life to hold down a job, worked at places like rite aid and Pizza Hut. I was diagnosed when I was 18 and have received social security disability since then. Throughout my early to mid 20s I would have a severe manic episode that would completely derail my life about one a year or so. I would have grandiose delusions, spend all my money on dumb shit and give away all my belongings, paranoia, and had many run ins with police. I was never violent but I’m a big guy and can be scary when I’m manic I realize this. But after many police beatings and state hospitalizations (talking like 4 or 5) I managed to get somewhat a grip on my bipolar by taking a shot in the butt of my meds…


I had an interview and the interviewer asked me if I had a side hustle. I said no, and he looked kind of surprised. He abruptly stopped the interview and said I’m not what they are looking for. I’m not sure what that was all about, but i feel like I dodged a bullet.


I like Aldi, but this was annoying. Of all the toys they could’ve made, they choose this. What a better toy for our toddler than to condition them from age 4 to be a good little piggie wagie? The conditioning starts young.


I don’t like that billionaires exist. What can I do about it?