After reading this study, I wonder if there's a link between ever-increasing work requirements and a decline in community engagement that would go along with the decline in friendship. Could this also be part of the reason behind the decline in church attendance? What else is suffering because of the burdens of working too many hours or too many jobs? I'd love the read a study that pulls it all together. I searched Google, but couldn't find one.
Progressive companies
You ever call BS when they are all about being progressive until it comes to the money. For example, companies not complying with pay transparency laws, union busting, low balling wages, etc…. The point being don’t beat your chest as you are better than these other companies because you support X, Y, Z cause but don’t give a damn about your employees livelihood
Bit of a rant
I'm probably either getting fired or quitting today. Don't have another job lined up but I'm looking right after this is posted. I currently work at a local grocery store, and due to some health issues I ended up calling out a lot when I first started. I haven't called out for a couple of weeks to a month. Last time I called out I brought a doctor's note for a very bad stomach bug (Literally couldn't leave the toilet. Worst 3 days of my life) I had to call out today because there is absolutely no one who can babysit my little sibling and my mother has to work a full 12 hours. Called in. Assistant Manager, the guy who makes the schedules, said I had to make some other arrangements because he was bout tired of this and it's come to a head. So many other people just…
Think I might have to quit my job of 4 years soon, favoritism is rampant there and there isn't any room for me to grow so why stay? People who just started last year are already getting promotions and that's because they either kiss ass or are buddies with the supervisor. One job in specific I should have definitely gotten but they didn't post the job so I didn't even have the opportunity to apply to it. They just gave it to someone they chose. The favoritism is really sickening at this place