
Wish we had socialism. Then we could regulate you.


saw this job posting from my old employer who fired me for having ACAB in my Instagram bio


Can an employer reveal your positive Covid status to every other employee?

I work for a California city. The department I work in uses an online scheduling system. We are a department of about 55-60. Whenever someone tests positive for Covid, they put them in a special category called “Covid” on the schedule. Every employee can see this and has access to it. Therefore, we all have knowledge of who tested positive for Covid, and when they did. Now, I do not care about this personally. But if what they are doing is illegal by revealing identities to uninvolved persons, then I would like to take one for the team if I can potentially get everyone effected some type of compensation. Anyone have any insight to this?


Should have went with food poisoning.


Inspired by ‘Office Space’ film, Washington software engineer steals over $300K from employer, prosecutors say


cashing an incorrect check

Pretty sure this isn't the subreddit for this but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction 🤷‍️so first, no sadly my job has not gotten reached the 21st century and we are still getting paper checks. Second I got 91 hours and it was all standard pay rate(i.e. missing 11 hours of OT pay) I've already texted my manager about the (always keep a paper trail) and she said she would look into it Monday. With direct deposit, they would just deposit the adjusted amount when they sorted it but I don't know if I'm supposed to cash this check and wait for the difference or wait for a corrected check to be cut. Common sense tells me to cash it but I don't want to give them any reason to not pay me what I'm owed. Thanks in advance!


Anybody ever work for/with Celtic Property Management?

I did for a little while and omg they were TERRIBLE. I’ve never seen a company so poorly managed. Just wondering if anyone else experienced what I did.


thought this sub might like to watch this.


My time off is not a request

Recently my manager quit, so they promoted a shift lead to take his place. He keeps telling everyone that time off requests are just that, a request. Now I understand to a degree if it's for paid time off. But this ass thinks my unpaid time off is at his discretion. And not only that, they want to now give write ups for anyone who calls out more than twice in a 30 day period, even if they scheduled you outside of your availability. My time off is not a request unless you are paying me for it. Any other time off I need I AM taking. It's my notice to you that I will not be there. So figure it out big boy, you are in charge now so act like it.


“Lack and commitment and parents are clingy” are why adults are still living at home

They do talk about the rise in cost of living and inflation, but it just seems to put pressure that it is the adults and the parents fault for why they still live at home when they just want to save up money to go to college or to buy a house more responsibly.