
Can an employer reveal your positive Covid status to every other employee?

I work for a California city. The department I work in uses an online scheduling system. We are a department of about 55-60. Whenever someone tests positive for Covid, they put them in a special category called “Covid” on the schedule. Every employee can see this and has access to it. Therefore, we all have knowledge of who tested positive for Covid, and when they did. Now, I do not care about this personally. But if what they are doing is illegal by revealing identities to uninvolved persons, then I would like to take one for the team if I can potentially get everyone effected some type of compensation. Anyone have any insight to this?

I work for a California city. The department I work in uses an online scheduling system. We are a department of about 55-60. Whenever someone tests positive for Covid, they put them in a special category called “Covid” on the schedule. Every employee can see this and has access to it. Therefore, we all have knowledge of who tested positive for Covid, and when they did.

Now, I do not care about this personally. But if what they are doing is illegal by revealing identities to uninvolved persons, then I would like to take one for the team if I can potentially get everyone effected some type of compensation. Anyone have any insight to this?

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