I posted about a week ago here asking for interview advice for a store that sells old video games and movies and you guys gave me some really good advice. I got the job and my first day was Friday. It was a lot of fun and all of my coworkers are super chill so I'm really looking forward to working here. Thank you so so much to those who took the time to give me advice and to those that made jokes and made me feel better! Edit: added a word
This is criminal –$10 to $48 / hr
When the salary range is $1 – $1,000,000
30 years and all I got was a cheap watch
Hi all. I had my end of year review recently, and was shocked by the score I was given of being satisfactory instead of strong performance. I say this because I have taken on and even asked for extra projects on top of all of my normal duties all with near perfect work. I’ve been working towards a promotion and have been told by colleagues and even higher up’s/managers that I’m doing awesome and am on track. So needless to say I was very surprised at my review. When I detailed everything I had done and asked how that wasn’t considered strong performance, this woman looked at me in the face and said “I don’t have an answer for you”. When I asked what more I could’ve done to receive strong performance she said the EXACT same thing. I felt like I was going crazy asking for an explanation and…