I've read a few pieces where people are really going out of their ways to hide the fact that they are looking for other jobs while having one. I can get looking for another job while being at work isn't allowed, and I get that it can put you in an awkward spot would it come to your current employer's attention, but are you prohibited from seeking employment elsewhere?
Background Info: My workplace (a school) wants all employees to complete a 40-hour online course within the span of 8 weeks. We have a typical 40 hour week, but an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon is reserved everyday for staff to do paperwork, prep, and plan. Since we're not allowed to access the course while kids are in the building, we're asked to do the trainings during said planning blocks. We start off with 10 hours to plan per week, but that's limited to 8 due to mandatory meetings. On top of that, we consistently lose another hour or 2 a week when kids are picked up late. We're left with anywhere between 5-7 hours a week to do our actual planning plus take this course. To get 40 hours of training done in 8 weeks, that's 5 hours a week. So if I were…
Amazon managers see you as a number
Just a rant but I went to the restroom for 20 minutes cause I actually had to take a sh*it then he complained the rest of the shift and had his eye on me. I was the second fastest that day working with heavy boxes and moving them, there's a bunch of people who are working slower than me but somehow I'm the one that gets called out for needing to use the restroom. Well sorry let me first turn my body into a cyborg so that I can get rid of my biological needs or I can leave poop all over the warehouse
For everyone getting sick
So many people I know are getting sick back to back to back. My one friend has had the stomach flu three times in two months. Her mom is just recovering from the same flu and now she has Covid. WE ARE HUMAN. THIS. SHIT. HAPPENS. Our bodies do not work perfectly. We need breaks, we get sick, sometimes a lot in a row. This is normal and almost everyone has or will go through a period in their life where they aren't healthy often. Why can't businesses understand that??? Why am I at home with the stomach flu, puking out my nose, worried I'm in trouble or my boss thinks I'm lying? Not to mention the post sick day weird vibes you get when you go back. Fuck managers. I am not working for twenty bucks an hour when I'm shitting and puking.
what the hell ??
right after my symptoms started i let her know that i believe i have food poisoning and would be unfit to work. i have worked there for over a year and have been a very good employee, yet another person in my same position can come in over 2 hours late and be 10 mins late every day, and not even get a warning. i feel this would be a wrongful termination and i’m not sure how to proceed.