The switcheroo has consequences
So, I’m being bullied at work
And it's to the point where I have enough evidence, it involves multiple peers including management, and I've tried to utilize HR and my Union resources. Obviously, everyone will say quit. However, I feel like more needs to be done to justify the wrong than quitting and leaving. What should I do if I can prove I'm being bullied/harassed? BTW: This is a big corporation. I'm nervous about what they'll do to me.
Golden fishhook, and the middle finger
My signing bonus runs out in August. I told my direct supervisor, her boss and her boss's boss after they sent me an email full of attaboys about how indispensable I am that my evaluations and compensation don't reflect that. I was given the ” HR doesn't allow individualized raises” lie. I forwarded an email from HR where THEY told me that raises are set by department, and HR only approves and codes them. Come August, I will be taking all of my amassed GPT at once. On the last day after I get paid, I will inform them that in order to continue, I need a raise, clear duties in line with my scope of license, and a certain set of hours. Any extra days or asked to come in short notice will be considered consulting, paid at 5x in four hours blocks. ( I also attached the things…
Doctor Note for Stomach Bug!
My best friend is sick with a stomach bug and needed to call out of work… Dominoes demands she get a doctors note. For a minimum wage delivery job. This absolutely infuriates me— I’m a lawyer, and this is absolutely never a requirement in the corporate professional world, unless you’re requesting some kind of short term disability. This is literally only just a tool to exert control over minimum wage workers, but also she doesn’t have a choice because otherwise it’s a write-up. What the fuck. “Oh but too many people were calling out.” Sounds like a personal problem…
We work for companies and they pay politicians to have agendas which aren’t good? Im sure the simple answer is money. What are your thoughts?