Profit over People.
It's a war out there and we need new tactics. Corporations and middle managers seem very sensitive to customers coming in with complaints. I say we take the approach of complaining as if we are highly sensitive and entitled and have been personally slighted but for situations where employees are being treated like crap.
Are jobs just rewards now?
Recently a friend applied for a job that she was more than qualified for… but it got back to her that this job was already reserved. It was a remote position, but was reserved for someone they liked from 4 states away. The job ad was just for show. This happens all the time lately. If you see a job with good pay, forget about it. It is a reward for someone else. I was hearing about the pay for people at Twitter… 32 million for a company that isn't even profitable. The job was just a mechanism of funneling money to the “right” people. And, firing people for no reason, same deal. Jobs have become a bribe. Anyone who doesn't have political power and influence will never get a good paying job. Why isn't anyone addressing it?
Came into work this morning, clocked in and waited to find out who i was going with to help out, outside of my regular department, it’s saturday work so usually its helping out the other department to catch up on work. Once one of the managers/supervisors arrive, they tell me im going with them and that they want me driving a tall box truck, i normally drive a wide tanker for my department and theres a significant height and length difference between the two, its nowhere near the same. I was not told ahead of time and even if i was, its a truck i don’t feel comfortable driving at all and that’s exactly what i told the supervisor very calmly and he immediately proceeded to tell me to go home if i wasn’t gonna drive the box truck. Anything i can do or is this just one of those…