
Write up from Harbor Freight. Had to change plans to a Christmas gathering due to the weather the previous week.


Ah, the illegal do not discuss. I love my boss, but I am underpaid.


new rules at work… I’m turning in my 2 week notice asap


Lets talk about Marxism/Leninism

Come join the fun


r/MarxismLeninismStalin Lounge


Does anyone else think this is nuts or am I wrong for being bothered?


My Narcissistic boss called his daughter (a previous employee at the company) a schizophrenic who did too many drugs.

When I met her, she was nice and seemed normal. I’m not sure where such spite and meanness came from in terms of the Dad’s indulgence in speaking negatively about her.


In Person or email?

I work for an International Organization in the EU as an American National. I'm currently remote working from my home in US as an additional week on top of the holidays. I really wish to send my two weeks' notice before I return to my work country on Monday so I can hit the ground running with turnover and hopefully take my remaining 6 days of leave. I'm 3 months into a 6 month contract. Should I send it now or wait until I'm in country / in the office to deliver it?


Screwed on Bonus Payout – Stick it out or start the hunt?

I received my employee evaluation today which dictates how much my bonus payout is in February and it's giving me doubts about the company. I'm unsure if I should stay or go and I'm looking for random strangers guidance. Background: I've worked for this company I love for 4 years in the accounting department. The company has a bonus ranking system that can change your bonus payout increasing it anywhere from 100% to 200% depending how your year went. This year I was given a heads up by my slightly difficult supervisor (micro-manager) in November I was to be ranked at High again (150% payout). This lines up with the companies scorecard perfectly based on what I've done. I cleaned up the accounts to current, organized a messy team and took over when our manager left as a senior, contributed drastically to company culture more than anyone. Automated heavily and…


We are moving from weekly to bi-weekly pay and are not being paid in full this week. Is this normal or even legal?