
That moment when your boss realizes what they’re actually losing when you quit.

I'm quitting my job this Friday after not being able to afford to take my certification exam anymore. I took it five times and failed all five times so I'm taking the L and leaving this Friday. I put in my two weeks notice and went on about my way. My boss came up to me this morning and asked if I could be convinced to stay a little longer past my two weeks because he just realized that being down a body could be detrimental to the plant. I covered morning shift and did most if not all of our calibrations throughout the week, not to mention being an integral part of our big maintenance projects. But now that I'm leaving (after subtle threats of being fired due to lack of passing my test), he's realized that there is quite literally no wiggle room in the schedule because we…


Bar with approx 1 Milli on the walls.


Military Budget Hike for 2023 is 3,200 Times the NLRB Increase


The 10 countries with the least paid vacation—the U.S. is No. 2

Just gonna leave this here.


Do u think you have to lack empathy to be in a position of power?

Most bosses i’ve met are heartless and have no issue causing someone to be homeless even after the person is begging with tears in their eyes..So do you think you have to be a horrible person to be in a position of power


my boyfriend’s xmas bonus


Stop calling it “socialism for the wealthy”

It’s oligarchical capitalism with complete corporate capture. There’s nothing socialist about bailing out corporations.


Walmart cheaping out on bereavement days..


potential employee was denied a job because he wanted a livable wage.

Wanted $26hr to be a landscaper in charge of 60acres every day. They offered him $16.68hr and he walked out before the interview was over. I was promised $30 to be their irrigation tech but once hired , my checks equal $17.26hr. After taxes , parking , and “benefits”. I'm waiting till the weather warms up , and then I'm getting a private sector job that pays more. My employer is a goddam joke and has a 100% turnover about every 6 years. People who sit at a desk all fucking year get paid 3xs what we do and we have to be outside in all weather while being watched by security and cctv cameras and getting harassed by homeless people. I will not give a notice when I quit.


Even in Denmark.