


Merry Christmas, you’re getting laid off during a time of year when it’s impossible to find work.

My job at the hospital is classified as 'non-revenue generating' and since the CDC has been relaxing COVID guidelines all year, they decided to lay off an entire position effective January 1st. They claim they'll help us find new positions in the hospital, but after applying at over two dozen positions in the last week and getting exactly 0 interviews, I'd bet my firstborn that they're lying. I already loathe this time of year to the point where I have panic attacks from holiday-related stress at least once a week, and I'm being told I have to find a new job in a town where the only thing smaller than the average IQ is the number of open positions who will hire someone with a degree. It's enough to make me scream. I didn't even really like this job, but the minimum wage for the hospital as a whole is…


why can’t companies just read your resumes

So this is a rant I’m applying to jobs, I send in my resume, but then they make me go to there company website, and fill out things like employment history or something that’s already on my resume I made it and turned it in because you asked me to, so fucking read it



Is it legal for bosses to listen in on employee conversations via cameras/ shoplifting monitors?


Always having to think about the consequences instead of sticking up for yourself is making me mad

So I‘m an external working at a large bank and our internal project manager is the most unprofessional dickhead. Today he threatened me to basically kick me off the project because I basically wrote him that our proposed idea is actually more efficient than what he had proposed. The guy literarily said that I was being „insubordinate“ part of my job is pushing back when we think we have a better idea/solution whatever and I‘m so tired of always having to think about the consequences in situations like that instead of sticking up for myself…how it might burn bridges, negatively effect my career etc. It‘s making me so mad but I deleted my mail response to him and just forwarded his mail to my manager, saying how unprofessional I think this is…nothin will happen, his whole team of internals is just taking his bullshit and our manager has no incentive…


Retirement? No. 83 year old man dies after being shoved and falling AT WORK ​ Work until you die on the job.


I’ve been working for a nonprofit since Halloween and haven’t been paid

I asked 3 people about it and they all said they would get back to me. I was just told yesterday that I need to submit an invoice. No indication of how often to submit or by what means I get paid. Add to that some workplace bullying and I'm so close to being done. Now I understand why they have such a high turnover.


Amazon blessed us with a early little Christmas present


“No one applies for jobs anymore”


Weekend availability

Essentially, I was updating my availability at a job where they were not giving me the hours I needed ( need a second job) however the manager basically strong armed me into keeping my weekends fully available. I can only work 15 hours a week there now, but any second job I apply to is going to also want weekend availability. Have I just been screwed over? Because every other place is gonna want weekend availability as well.