
The more critical you are to civilization the worse you’re treated

The railroad workers are only the latest example. What would we do without agricultural workers? Child care? Sanitation workers? Delivery drivers? Construction laborers? Every major city in the country would be paralyzed within a week without tow truck drivers. People who care for the elderly? For Dog’s sake, what would we do without teachers? And now ask yourself, what would we do without Elon Musk? Without Tim Cook? Without Jeff Bezos? Without Bill Gates or Peter Thiel or Warren Buffett? What, precisely, are they adding to the economy to justify their obscene wealth? The fact that Congress can only get its act together in a bipartisan manner to force railroad workers back to work speaks to how important they are. Why doesn’t their compensation reflect that importance? Because the unimportant and trivial people are the ones calling the shots.


Two week notice? Two weeks ago you should have noticed I was about to leave


Job won’t pay me what I worked for

Hi everyone I was working as a janitor at this club in Los Angeles called the catch one. I have a BA but worked there cause my mental health is fucked up. Point is I got paid for 30 hours and not 80. I know I can go to the department of labor or something but I’m not too sure where to go. Someone please help. Fuck these assholes


I ordered something I’ve wanted for a while online and a rail strike now would delay my order for God knows how long.

Fucking good. My shit is not more important than the health and wellness of the people who get it to me. I don't care if it takes months to get, do what's best for yourself my railroad friends! Strike!


Amen brother


I was about to be fired, but my co-workers got my back.

First of, the context. I'm working as a security in a office/grocery hybrid. It's good for praxis, because I'm easily able to manipulate the CCTV clips and remove employees taking food from dumpsters. Anyway, I was on a 15 hour shift as usual, and that middle aged lady came in. She said she was supposed to be trained by me, and my superior (a guy who works 400 hours a month) said that it's correct. She was asking a lot of questions I didn't know answers for, because it's not in the field of what I'm supposed to know. After about 13 hours together, she pulled her mask off and said she was an inspector, sent here to see the quality of our services. She was not happy with me at all. A few days ago I got a memo that my shifts are now taken by her, so I…


Ideal Business Structure

So I am coming really close to starting my own business. It’s going to start with three of us. I gave myself 34% of the business, and my two partners 33% each. We provide educational services in a fun way that we would volunteer for. If the business takes off, then others will probably want to join us. What would be a fair way to add new members? I believe everyone should have a path to ownership. However, I also think those of us who founded the business should maintain a greater share than those who come later.


Older workers

Any age 50+ workers out there (like me), who are completely used up, dead inside, and panic every, single day wondering how we are going to hold out mentally/physically for another 10-15 years? Not sure I can and the thought is soul crushing to say the least.


“Illegal Strikes” the term itself violates the Constitution and threatens every American.

Fuck this Dystopian nightmare.


Don’t let capitalism win