
No Managers

Last week I started working at a Jack in the Box franchise. None of the restaurants in town have management. The employees at my location just run the place as best they can tho I'm the only one who speaks english. I also open the restaurant at 6 am. I've been feeling sick all week and today I decide to call in. I feel like shit and it would be irresponsible to serve food in this state. However I have no one to contact. Whenever something goes wrong or an employee needs time off or sick leave no leadership is present. Is this the case across fast food service rn? I tried calling in alot but no reply. I hope I don't get fired for THEIR inability to run their shit


Big bank had a diversity training. One of the statements – “All Asians are good at math” was shown as an example of a stereotype. Sorry but that’s true.


damned if i do damned if i dont

i feel you guys are the audience for this to me complain about my current work predicament. for the last year i've been going through hell with grievance procedures, cover-ups, etc. all after reporting my manager for various things including bullying behaviours and sexual harrassment. all of this starting after i made the mistake of telling him that my other colleague had groped me at a work event. with the internal investigations going on, the company has told me again and again that i can't share anything with anyone at the company, that i can't tell people what i'm accusing my manager of, what is involved in the investigation, even that there IS an investigation in the first place! If i do, I can be subject to a disciplinary. on top of this I also can't go around telling people outside of work because of the same reason (i'm only…


I do not understand why anyone would put themselves through the stress of being responsible for someone elses company.

I'm talking about employees that burden themselves with making up for an employers lack of running a business properly, not hiring enough people, paying people the bare minimum and dumping all responsibility on them, etc. I understand why managers do it.


Wish work didn’t exist

I’m currently in university and have to force myself to read constantly about stuff I barely care about just to be able to generate income one day and survive. It feels so dehumanizing. I mean who cares about whether or not I know any of this stuff yknow? I wanna be able to just live my life without worrying all the time about my future and how things are gonna turn out. It feels gross and exhausting. Sorry if this is the wrong sub for this kind of post just needed to vent


If you want to make a difference, organize

Don't get lost in the wave of calls for far-fetched, ultra-radical actions that will never materialize. Start small. Organize a union at your job. Fight for realistically achievable demands: wage increases, stable hours, whatever you need. When people focus on taking things seriously, by actually starting small and focusing on the long-term game, that's how one day you build up to doing something big. Don't just walk in your job and say “union” and get fired, but actually look up guides on how to subtly promote it, slowly convince people, get in touch with a bigger labor union, get help from their organizers etc.


Can be we start a gofundme for the railroad strike?


am i the problem or is my manager unsupportive?

i work in sales (i’ll keep vague for anonymity) and i struggle with sales conversations. i’ve worked less than a year in sales and i’m young and inexperienced. i’ve had next to no training and am picking everything up on the job. i have some learning difficulties, communication being one. i recently made a sheet for myself based off online articles on how to hold sales conversations successfully. my manager saw this and told me i shouldn’t be working this job and i should know this straight away without being told. i informed him that the other starter here benefits from this sheet and also has felt unsupported in this area of sales. my question is, should i be a natural at sales to have a sales job or is he being unfair and unsupportive?


#boring dystopia webcomic


Should I resign after this school year end?

I'm a teacher for 3 years going 4 after this school year. I'm tired of everything to do with my work. I'm not happy. I'm stressed and sad because of work. It's affecting my mental health so badly. But at the same time, I don't know what to do after I resign. I don't have savings. I won't have my house (it's provided by the school I work at). I'm not financially stable. I also don't have any skills aside from teaching.