
Toxic boss gets karma

Thought this would be a good place to share this. So starting 5ish years ago, had issues with school staff and left. A mate of my dads is looking for an apprentice locksmith and after doing a bit of research I jump in headfirst. Fast forward 4 years, I have finished all my unit standards to be qualified, skilled up in company time and inn my own to further my career, helped pick up big contracts for the local hospital among other things. Usually 50-60 weeks essentially working as the senior locksmith, doing paperwork and all the look to keep the business flowing. Had some health issues which took me out of work for a little. Boss hires a new guy with no experience, gives him my van that we just finished setting up specifically for me. I end up doing my work. Most of his, and half the bosses…


Twitter, Elon, and Thanksgiving Holiday

With the insane directives and directions Elon is doing for Twitter, anyone taking bets that he will require employees to work Thanksgiving and Black Friday?


help – needing advice about my unstable work situation

Hi, I need help because I have never sought out legal advice or help like this I've worked with my current company in Utah (not going to say the name of the company because I'm really nervous) for almost 3 years. I was hired for an entry-level position with them, and I worked my way up to a higher position with better pay. My job is very interesting in that it offers a cool “Rotation opportunity” where departments that need extra help can pull employees from other departments for that help they need (an employee agrees to do so beforehand, of course). The “rotation” often lasts for a couple months at a time–usually 3-6 months with the intention that the employee would be pivoted back to their regular department. It's promoted as a great way to give us experience in other work areas. You agree to do this rotation for…


Newsweek: Red Tide or Blue Wave, Americans Stay Poor | Opinion


TheGuardian: ‘It’s killing us all slowly’: how the night shift is taking a toll on US workers


Crowd blasts a restaurant for not paying their workers. One worker became homeless while pregnant

This has been going on for an hour and I could only record about 40 seconds. apparently, there was a dispute with pay at a bar called 'Public wine bar' which is below my apartment, and one of the workers was not paid on time and had to live homeless for about a month while pregnant. A man with a megaphone was ranting and calling for boycotts and a small crowd formed but dispersed after about 3 hours. He was yelling about how the restaurant is abusive and does not pay workers on time or give them their entire paychecks. This is the restaurant


Roses are red, violets are blue . . .


Opened up Chrome just now and saw this gem of an article on the feed


Instant Decline.


My district manager told one of my coworkers to start acting his age, so he felll on the ground and pretended to have a heart attack.

He’s 35