Wheel of Fortune pro-grind
Triple Tossup solutions: Starting early Staying late Succeeding
Basically what the title says. I work at the best place on earth, Starbucks. Get paid dirt. Get treated like dirt. Have to wake up at 3:30am to make it to my 4:30am shift. Recently my father told my mother and I that we had to be out of the house by the end of the year. My mother consoled me that we’ll get more time than that. I believed her as she’s usually right with these things. Nope. Father angry and moved the deadline to November 30th. Backtrack a week, I applied for a LOA because I cannot survive coming in at 4:30. Not only am I getting sick from being there that early every day, but the stress of being kicked out is getting to me. I basically put that on my request. Am currently struggling to find a couch I can surf in 2 weeks.
Is elon short for elongated?
As in, elongated asshole
what to prep for quitting?
I (39, single) work at a large company making pretty good money and have a great health care package, but I just can't take the corporate bs anymore. I'll be going into a client-based environment, working for myself, and probably won't be able to afford health insurance for a while. What are things I need to do, put in place, and take advantage of at the current job before submitting a resignation?
Personal development plan… k
I handed mine back in completely blank. If you think I’m lacking in anything Mr Boss it’s your job to tell me. As it stands you have no idea what I do, only that if I stop doing it the company goes under. Won’t be seeing one of those again.
I got racially discriminated?
Hello. To summarize, I am 17(M), and I work at a private shoe company. To explain what happened today is still blurry to me but I’ll attempt. I came in to work today, and was immediately guided by my two co-workers to the back room to talk to my manager, not even let me clock in. I get there and he basically tells me I am about to get arrested for stealing a shoe. I was completely dumbfounded as I knew I never stole a shoe but that’s what the LP( loss prevention) told him. It hurt really bad cause just thinking about being arrested and seeing my family go through that sucked. I call my family immediately and told them and it was hell. Fast forward 10 minutes later. And the LP sent a pic of the actual culprit who was stealing the shoe and it wasn’t even me.…