
Paid Leave/Vacation

I just wanted to make this post because I always found it insane how little personal days and vacation we are awarded for employment generally. Do you guys think 3 months of paid leave/vacation a year should be mandatory? This might seem random but it is something I think about all the time. Our lives are filled with work with very little time to do anything else and it’s just weird that it’s so normal. It will probably never happen but I think it would be such a good policy. We’ll still work 3/4 of the year so it’s not like we won’t be still spending most of our lives working or anything but it’s a good start.

I just wanted to make this post because I always found it insane how little personal days and vacation we are awarded for employment generally. Do you guys think 3 months of paid leave/vacation a year should be mandatory? This might seem random but it is something I think about all the time. Our lives are filled with work with very little time to do anything else and it’s just weird that it’s so normal. It will probably never happen but I think it would be such a good policy. We’ll still work 3/4 of the year so it’s not like we won’t be still spending most of our lives working or anything but it’s a good start.

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