
Paranoid Employer removing customer info off profiles – what could go wrong ?

I work with less than 7 people, one of whom is our employer. Our clients are taken care of individually, by appointment. Yesterday a client didn’t show up for a coworker who then of course went to text&call and check if they were on their way. Employer removed the phone numbers from the client profiles, as well as email addresses! Why? The app company is a start up,and they take employers feedback and tailor our app to their requests. I overheard the conversation between employer (B) and coworker (D), before I knew anything was altered. D- i went to call text client in the Chat function and it came back “unsent”. So I went to call and the numbers not there, are the numbers showing up for you? B- ya they are, it must be a glitch. I’ll message the app about it, you know how it is when they…

I work with less than 7 people, one of whom is our employer.

Our clients are taken care of individually, by appointment. Yesterday a client didn’t show up for a coworker who then of course went to text&call and check if they were on their way.

Employer removed the phone numbers from the client profiles, as well as email addresses!


The app company is a start up,and they take employers feedback and tailor our app to their requests.

I overheard the conversation between employer (B) and coworker (D), before I knew anything was altered.

D- i went to call text client in the Chat function and it came back “unsent”. So I went to call and the numbers not there, are the numbers showing up for you?

B- ya they are, it must be a glitch. I’ll message the app about it, you know how it is when they change one thing something else glitches. Or maybe my husband is messing around with it..

I heard something in B’s voice I couldn’t quite identify, but later talking to D I realized it was Dishonesty!! She tries to get us looking at other causes for her secret behavior, it isn’t working.

(If she wants to keep numbers private for a possible sale of company/or any reason, it’s her right! but the lies about it are not necessary etc)

D goes on to tell me how employer has done something like this with the app before, and it came back to bite her in the ass. And then todays issue – we can’t contact clients now in the app chat function OR in text/calls bc number is removed

Back to “why”:

In short, most owners, mine included, are paranoid, maniacal greedy psychopaths (no shade to psychopaths).

She had a longtime employee call her on her shit and quit abruptly right before I started, the story she tells customers doesn’t make sense and it is essentially trash talk gossip (inappropriate for customers to hear)

She believed he was taking client numbers, Altho no client has said he’s reached out. EVEN SO, we have NO non compete contract. (She also blames this guy when strange stuff happens like appointments don’t show or they have funny fake names)

So WHY suddenly remove client info when we are all working just fine! Employer works herself up over imagined issues and needs, quite seriously, a therapist for her intrusive thoughts and manipulatigr & abusive behavior (not entirely covered in this post)

D found a go-a-round to get the info and bet I screenshotted all my clients last night, for my own “insurance”.

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