
Partner lost her job because her boss said it was an inconvenient time.

After working for this company and really enjoying it, my partner was fired from a job they desperately needed to keep. The reason? Her boss said it was an inconvenient time to keep her hired because of ??? Partner has had to take time off because of a prevalent medical issue but they had a valid doctors note every time, but boss didn’t care. Doesn’t need a reason because we live in fucking Ohio, another reason to hate this fucking backwater state. Now, partner is without a job, with bills to pay, a phone to pay for, and the threat of losing her place of living. I’m tired of all of this, I’m tired of these fucking bosses doing whatever they damn well please. Fuck these people.

After working for this company and really enjoying it, my partner was fired from a job they desperately needed to keep. The reason? Her boss said it was an inconvenient time to keep her hired because of ??? Partner has had to take time off because of a prevalent medical issue but they had a valid doctors note every time, but boss didn’t care. Doesn’t need a reason because we live in fucking Ohio, another reason to hate this fucking backwater state. Now, partner is without a job, with bills to pay, a phone to pay for, and the threat of losing her place of living.

I’m tired of all of this, I’m tired of these fucking bosses doing whatever they damn well please. Fuck these people.

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