
Passed over for a promotion and I’m too angry to sleep. I have to be up again in 5 hours…

Long story short, I proved my ability by exceeding my targets in virtually every metric, and was then passed over for “not being ready”. It really is the straw that broke the camels back because I went above and beyond for years leading to this moment only to be described as unable to accept criticism when my opportunity came and I was denied. The criticism was quite literally that I can't accept being passed up for not being ready. Thats it. The rage I feel inside is overwhelming. I am wide awake and I have to be up in 5 hours to show my face there again and try to continue to put in effort to a place that has 0 investment in my progression. And the worst part is calling up sick gives me so much anxiety because I don't want to let them down. How did I become…

Long story short, I proved my ability by exceeding my targets in virtually every metric, and was then passed over for “not being ready”.

It really is the straw that broke the camels back because I went above and beyond for years leading to this moment only to be described as unable to accept criticism when my opportunity came and I was denied. The criticism was quite literally that I can't accept being passed up for not being ready. Thats it.

The rage I feel inside is overwhelming. I am wide awake and I have to be up in 5 hours to show my face there again and try to continue to put in effort to a place that has 0 investment in my progression.

And the worst part is calling up sick gives me so much anxiety because I don't want to let them down.

How did I become the victim to this utterly toxic relationship and why do I feel like I can't do anything about it?

I honestly don't know why I'm even posting this. I might even delete it eventually. I'm just so disheartened. I gave this everything. I have good work ethic and I try hard at everything I do and I've never felt so blatantly disregarded…

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