
Past Employer has been Miss Using my SSN for the past 3 years when I only worked for them for 4 months.

So back in 2019 I was offered a job and a place in the back room of a convenience store by the owner. I was living at a shelter and working door to door asking for charity before this. So I was grateful for the opportunity. Just had to work nights and weekends. Not bad considering where I was coming from. But after a couple of bad incidents last one being where I was attacked by a crazy guy that outweighed me by 80 pounds, I stopped wanting to work there. So I left and quit the job. Fast forward to just two months ago I’m renewing my food stamps for my now growing family. And the agent that is working on our case is asking me if I still work at that convenience store, actually took me a second to register what she was asking. I said no cause…

So back in 2019 I was offered a job and a place in the back room of a convenience store by the owner. I was living at a shelter and working door to door asking for charity before this. So I was grateful for the opportunity. Just had to work nights and weekends. Not bad considering where I was coming from. But after a couple of bad incidents last one being where I was attacked by a crazy guy that outweighed me by 80 pounds, I stopped wanting to work there. So I left and quit the job.
Fast forward to just two months ago I’m renewing my food stamps for my now growing family. And the agent that is working on our case is asking me if I still work at that convenience store, actually took me a second to register what she was asking. I said no cause I wasn’t, but the computer records said I was and has been 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. I was very confused, but when I check MySocialSecurity account , which I didn’t know I could do this, yes it confirmed I had been employed by him all this time.
Like I said I was grateful to the owner and didn’t want to just escalate things if they could be worked out. So I took a day to drive up to the city where the store was and talk to him, ask what is going on and please stop using my SSN. Left my phone number and email address to send a letter stating separation of employment which is what DHS asked for.
A month has past and I finally get a text, “Happy new year yidi yada yada, I’ll call later”. I didn’t reply. Next day next text “what’s up” I didn’t reply again, waited another and I finally texted back, “ I left you my email address and you know what I need”
And he text back, “Sorry I had an accident, been recovering, yidi yada yada, I always wanted to try and help you, I’ll call later when I get home”

At this point I’m just being patient, I have a consultation with a lawyer on Thursday about all this, but honestly I’d hate to take him to court, but I don’t think he is going to deliver or stop utilizing my SSN whoever is working it.
Or reveal what proof I have on him and his actions.
Am I doing the right thing? Should I try to work things out with him or take him to court.

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