
Payroll trying to screw me over for mandate on holiday

First time posting on this page, but I am really ticked right now. My job has failed over the last few years to hire staff needed to replace those who've retired, leaving us short. Because I work in an essential healthcare capacity, we can be mandated to stay, and cannot leave if nobody shows up to relieve us. We do get increased pay when mandated, but still sucks, especially with how often it happens. We are short regularly on Thursdays, and nobody wanted to pick up the hours because of it being the holiday, so instead of getting to leave at 1 like I should have on Thanksgiving, I went in aware I would get stuck for second shift and get no family time. That sucks, and isn't fair, but I have to do what I have to do. Then there's a call out on top of everything, and I…

First time posting on this page, but I am really ticked right now.

My job has failed over the last few years to hire staff needed to replace those who've retired, leaving us short. Because I work in an essential healthcare capacity, we can be mandated to stay, and cannot leave if nobody shows up to relieve us. We do get increased pay when mandated, but still sucks, especially with how often it happens.

We are short regularly on Thursdays, and nobody wanted to pick up the hours because of it being the holiday, so instead of getting to leave at 1 like I should have on Thanksgiving, I went in aware I would get stuck for second shift and get no family time. That sucks, and isn't fair, but I have to do what I have to do. Then there's a call out on top of everything, and I get stuck for third shift as well, a full 24 hours.

And now payroll is trying to tell me that I only get one or the other of holiday or mandate pay, despite the fact that I actually asked the union about this last week and was told I'd get both stacked. Because the fact that I got no holiday family time and literally was stuck at work for 24 hours straight isn't bad enough, now I have to fight on this?

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