
Penny Pinching Fortune 500

TL;DR massive corporations are the cheapest penny-pinching MFers out there. They are run so inefficiently, and refuse to invest the small percentage it would take to massively improve things. I'll be looking for a new job despite my boss being desperate to keep me at this understaffed company, because HR refused to give me a 5k (about 5%) wage increase. Hope they enjoy running their understaffed projects and paying for 3 new hires + training instead. For context: this fortune 500 company, over the last year, made tens of billions of dollars in record profits. This company penny-pinches to extremes I haven't seen in my career (though to be fair I'm fairly new to the game). The ratio between the profit they make (that the workers directly generate!) And the wages and work environment is mind blowing. They refuse to invest anything into the infrastructure of our 50+ yo campus.…

TL;DR massive corporations are the cheapest penny-pinching MFers out there. They are run so inefficiently, and refuse to invest the small percentage it would take to massively improve things. I'll be looking for a new job despite my boss being desperate to keep me at this understaffed company, because HR refused to give me a 5k (about 5%) wage increase. Hope they enjoy running their understaffed projects and paying for 3 new hires + training instead.

For context: this fortune 500 company, over the last year, made tens of billions of dollars in record profits. This company penny-pinches to extremes I haven't seen in my career (though to be fair I'm fairly new to the game). The ratio between the profit they make (that the workers directly generate!) And the wages and work environment is mind blowing. They refuse to invest anything into the infrastructure of our 50+ yo campus. There's old carpet everyone's allergic to that they refuse to replace. There's not even space for everyone who works there to have room in an office, not enough seats in the canteen, let alone parking spots (home office is of course restricted to 1-2 days and most need to be on site anyways). Wages are lower than the competitors. Most people leave after 2 years due to high stress and low wages. Somehow they still get just enough foreign/migrant workers because they're in a cheap state that borders a cheaper country.

So why am I even there?

They hired me into a senior position with a junk wage (but it was the best offer at the time so I took it). Now, with recruiters sending me job postings offering 20% more, I'm planning to jump ship relatively soon. Fingers crossed I get something better with my little experience!

The story: My boss was so happy with my performance he got me on a new contract. After HR rescheduling 3x and then shortening the meeting, I finally had a meeting with the rudest HR lady i've seen so far. When I told HR the wage I was looking for, the lady word for word said she doesn't negotiate and that I should be thankful for the increase (basically equal to inflation adjustment they have to give anyways) they're offering. Btw my boss has informed me i'm one of the lowest paid employees in the department. When I told the recruiter i've taken note of her offer and will get back to her she started getting agitated and kept asking “BUT UR TAKING THE JOB RIGHT?!?!?!” Keep in mind at this point I had nothing in writing, didn't even know if my benefits were going to stay the same. LMAO yea i'm taking the job regardless, because then i'm back to the 2 week notice period rather than 3 months. I'll be looking for better jobs and dipping. Really kicking myself for not negotiating my wage when I first started the job. Since raises and even promotions still pay abysmally, I can't afford to stay long term anyways.

Just a massive shame that such a big company refuses to make such relatively small adjustments to increase employee satisfaction and actually retain any knowledge. I really like my manager and my team (which is understaffed and burned out), but that doesn't pay the bills. Had she offered literally $5k more than the current offer that she wasn't willing to negotiate on, I wouldn't even be writing this post. I swear, HR must get bonuses for every dollar that they refuse to increase employee wages.

How does the saying go? Penny wise, dollar stupid.
In conclusion, fuck corporations.

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