
People don’t care about disabled workers

They'll hire you, only because they want the tax benefits. Yeah, companies get tax breaks for hiring anyone with a disability. I'm on the spectrum and get minimum wage to do the work of several people. Saturday night I was the only dishwasher and my coworkers kept having me help bus tables. I love to help, but this put me behind on work. Hell, there was already piled up dishes when I got there. I was yelled at by my supervisor three times in the span of an hour. First time I couldn't lift the garbage bag as it was stuck and way too heavy/overfill. She yelled that I needed to find a way to deal with it because she wasn't getting in trouble for me leaving a mess. Second time I set a pot down on the table for a minute to try to catch up. She yells out…

They'll hire you, only because they want the tax benefits. Yeah, companies get tax breaks for hiring anyone with a disability. I'm on the spectrum and get minimum wage to do the work of several people. Saturday night I was the only dishwasher and my coworkers kept having me help bus tables. I love to help, but this put me behind on work. Hell, there was already piled up dishes when I got there. I was yelled at by my supervisor three times in the span of an hour. First time I couldn't lift the garbage bag as it was stuck and way too heavy/overfill. She yelled that I needed to find a way to deal with it because she wasn't getting in trouble for me leaving a mess. Second time I set a pot down on the table for a minute to try to catch up. She yells out that I can't leave dishes and it's my f-in job to put them away. Third time was at 850 when I realized I couldn't finish in time. I was lectured that I was going to need to stay after and if not I was being written up. I tried to explain that I'd been pulled away from work. I tried to say I needed to get home to take my medicine. She yells that I need tk bring my medicine to work. She talks crap to my coworkers about how it's my fault for taking my 15 minute break to eat. Its ridiculous I'm not done yet. Now they have to stay after because of me. But… they're all sitting down at the table. Not helping me. I'm crying, having a panic attack. Noone helps. I try to say that I'm autistic so they stop and she keeps telling me there's no excuse. I was hired to do a job, if I'm not gonna do it I shouldn't have applied.
My job coach… she doesn't care. She told me that she doesn't want me to quit. That I need to find a new job but she's not going to help me and I need to wait until my services transfer over. She'll help me put in my two week notice if I really want but I shouldn't. I'm still having issues from my medicine being delayed. I keep randomly crying because I don't understand what I did wrong. This is the first time I've EVER had to stay late and I was left to handle it all while they sat there for half an hour. My one coworker was kind enough to help me at the very end when I had a couple pans left. I was just shaking and crying and felt so bad for him. Normally I'm so much more strong. Normally I'm able to handle this. I don't know what to do. I've had a headache that just won't go away. I can barely sleep. I think I'll just keep calling off of work but I'm sure they'll fire me.

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