
Pictures of nude women on playing cards at my work

Hey guys, I currently work at a bowling alley (for now) and I’ve noticed some red flags at my work.. My work owns decks of playing cards that the public can borrow in a drawer. There are a few decks of cards that display pictures of nude women and pornstars. First off, I am a gay man and I do not want to see that, or any type of pornography while I am working. There have been 2 instances that a customer from the league will start showing me the cards. These situations made me very uncomfortable, I walked away from them as best as I could. I want to tell my manager about this but he’s owned the cards for so long, I just don’t want to start any drama, and just quit my job. One of my coworkers was talking about women in a VERY disgusting and disrespectful…

Hey guys, I currently work at a bowling alley (for now) and I’ve noticed some red flags at my work..

My work owns decks of playing cards that the public can borrow in a drawer. There are a few decks of cards that display pictures of nude women and pornstars. First off, I am a gay man and I do not want to see that, or any type of pornography while I am working. There have been 2 instances that a customer from the league will start showing me the cards. These situations made me very uncomfortable, I walked away from them as best as I could. I want to tell my manager about this but he’s owned the cards for so long, I just don’t want to start any drama, and just quit my job.

One of my coworkers was talking about women in a VERY disgusting and disrespectful sexual way just last week. This same guy also said to a customer when I was getting the customer change “sorry he’s slow” (talking about me getting change) and it made me feel awful.

There has also been an instance where my coworker had to clean up vomit.. on glass.. from what I heard my boss said that he had to.. we make minimum wage..

I applied at a concert venue, apparently they could use the help and I have a few friends who work there. I’m glad I’m leaving the bowling alley, it’s gone down hill, I started almost a year ago and it wasn’t like this when I started.

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