
Please internet strangers, rage with me over the sheer nonsense I have to deal with while job hunting.

I am sorry this is an internet rant. It kills me how much shit I have had to deal with this year, applying for jobs. I don’t know why it has suddenly just gotten awful. For context I was laid off last year, but otherwise have excellent experience in my field, a good degree, am always super polite to HR, always very pleasant in interviews, etc, etc. I apply at large, well-respected companies and smaller start ups alike. I also apply at positions where I KNOW I am qualified — no tenuous chance applications for me. Here is the list of shtfckery: 1) Being asked in a written pre-screening questionnaire email how many kids I have and how old they are. I screenshotted the email and sent it to my country’s discrimination board, they replied that they couldn’t do anything unless I could prove that this was used to discriminate…

I am sorry this is an internet rant. It kills me how much shit I have had to deal with this year, applying for jobs. I don’t know why it has suddenly just gotten awful. For context I was laid off last year, but otherwise have excellent experience in my field, a good degree, am always super polite to HR, always very pleasant in interviews, etc, etc. I apply at large, well-respected companies and smaller start ups alike. I also apply at positions where I KNOW I am qualified — no tenuous chance applications for me.

Here is the list of shtfckery:
1) Being asked in a written pre-screening questionnaire email how many kids I have and how old they are. I screenshotted the email and sent it to my country’s discrimination board, they replied that they couldn’t do anything unless I could prove that this was used to discriminate against me in the interview process.

2) Applied at a company where I had LinkedIn friends at, got myself a referral. I thought that meant HR would give slightly more f*cks about my application, but they straight up ghosted me after the first interview, despite polite follow up emails asking for feedback. Apply with referrals, they said.

3) Applied at a company that I was formerly employed at in a different branch. Good standing with the HR team, they were in my corner. Hiring team turned me down, said I was in top three. Hiring team was rejected by their first choice and went back to market again, and weren’t even interested in talking to the other two candidates. (Me and 1 other person) HR insists that hiring team have ignored their advice the whole time and were still in my corner.

4) Applied at a startup, explicitly asked HR to treat me like a human. Got through first two stages with good vibes, the hiring manager was super nice to me in the interview. HR calls me back and says “Two other people have gotten ahead of you in the application process and we couldn’t be bothered putting you through the third stage. Also the third stage involves doing a business case outline (read: free work) for us.”

I just can’t anymore. I am so done.

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